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🔞⚠️ Many of my skeets are NSFW ⚠️🔞
Getting kinda sick of this bullshit
🏳️‍🌈 You can be yourself with me 🏳️‍⚧️
I block bots.
Reposted byAvatar dave
honey can you fetch the shit bowl i gotta shit
Reposted byAvatar dave
Reposted byAvatar dave
Google “Massachusetts crisis pregnancy” and this link pops up. It’s part of a statewide campaign, including public signage (highway billboards!), urging people to avoid crisis pregnancy/anti-abortion centers. The Commonwealth is not fucking around with this.
jfc i got plymouth rocked this eve at 1620 on some ground shit my son in law gave me and this is some good, bad, shit i tell you hwut. lightly packed a stem, preheated it in the vape to 375, and drew perfume dialed it in, got STUPID wasted and that is where i am still
Reposted byAvatar dave
why ain't there a label for "content that makes you puke in your mouth a little"
maybe god isn't ignoring your prayers, maybe you're just praying to the wrong god
tonight is my town's fireworks display so i'll be celebrating the traditional way, walking up and down my street with a crowbar smashing the headlights out of cars illegally parked on my street
Reposted byAvatar dave
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
this poor li'l stunted weedling, it must not have been a viable seed. but goddamn if it ain't giving all its got into a flower 🫡 F
my town saves the july 4 celebration until the closest weekend, so today would be a great day to knock over a bank because every fucking cop in town is there
Reposted byAvatar dave
Celina shared this pic as the sun was rising in Arvin CA. At sunrise the temp was already 72 degrees, on its way to a high of 107°. She picks vegetables up to 8 hours a day during the hot summer months. #WeFeedYou
this infographic will help you pick a perfect watermelon every time
vaping that dust hits fucking hard. I can feel my eyes turning red as we (figuratively) speak also when i get this stoned i get horny, but if i nudge mrs d at this hour not only will i not get any, i am likely to get a black eye. trust me, we've been together a long time, i know these things
i'm scraping the dust out of the bottom of my grinder so i can vape it - not because i'm out of flower, but because the flower is indoors & i'm on the porch and i'm a lazy son of a bitch when i'm high
so i get a text from 1 of my nieces, she just moved out to western PA to live with her mom. her mom has 15 acres of decent land with some outbuildings she told me she's wants to "have a proper little farm" jfc i'm related to a farm sim cosplayer i told her to start with an 18' x 24' veggie garden
i made okonomyaki for dinner tonight. The dog was unsuccessful in her begging attempts 今夜の夕食にお好み焼きを作りました。 犬はおねだりに失敗した #青空ごはん部
never have i understood people who amass huge digital collections of recipes. i guess at least they won't be found under a huge collapsed pile of newspapers, cookbooks, and magazine when a neighbor notices a funny smell and a pile of unopened mail on the stoop
dis mf never heard of milk 👇
store-bought sugar cookies is goated when eating water insoluble sand particles is the vibe (these cookies are terrible and when you try to eat them they turn into cement paste in your mouth that is nearly impossible to swallow)
Reposted byAvatar dave
If you don't respect liberty equality fraternity you're not a proud French, you're a tool and a traitor. Be ashamed. We will never forget and never forgive what you did this week.
Reposted byAvatar dave
The rise of fachism in France is giving my grands parents litteral war flashback and I will never forgive any of the 29% who hurt them. I don't give a single fuck about how desperate your sad privilegied ass felt when you chose fachism over reason.
why not grill in the middle the day? why indeed? gonna make cute li'l burgers for some cute li'l "brioche" dinner rolls
hope you guys like agriculture posting because I really like to boost small local and regional farms. this is bielonko farms in suffield ct, on CT-159. they have the best fucking corn you ever et, and silver queen is available right now also tomatoes, peppers, and cukes
exactly how it happened
george washington stoned with his friend on the porch at his weed farm: bro we should start a country
i pick up ellie's shit when we go for a walk and she looks at me like "what do you want THAT for, you don't even roll around in it" she doesn't understand that the growing pile of dogshit under the neighbor's front porch ain't gonna get bigger by itself
how many sandwich rolls do I have to bury to get a field of poppies
muggy bastard of a night tonight, at least with the rain we've had i don't have to worry about the neighbors starting a grass fire with their fireworks
big ol plate of spaghetti & meatballs would fix me
every time i take a piss i take an extra one for an over-the-road trucker so there'll be one less plastic jug of stale urine on the side of the road