
Holy forking shirt balls it’s Friday again! This weeks theme for Find Folk Friday is…animals. So let’s see your animal art of any type. As usual I’ll repost the lot and if you like something, share it! #Nerdlings #FindFolkFriday
The Temptation of Moopsy. An acrylic painting depicting the time Moopsy didn't want me to clean her cage, so I lured her out with a teaspoonful of rum. Did you know that hamsters are attracted to alcohol but don't generally get drunk? They are, all right. #FindFolkFriday
this is a great painting but also incredible story!! did moopsy get the rum?
Not then, because I was worried that rum might contain stuff that isn't healthy for hamsters, like sugar. Later on when I was having some rum myself I did give her a hamster biscuit dipped in rum and she enjoyed that.
hamster biscuit dipped in rum sounds like a delicious treat from a Rescuers movie ;o;