Joseph Hewitt

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Joseph Hewitt

Cartoonist, programmer, English professor, Newfoundlander living in Korea. Hamster herder. Creator of GearHead. Lead penguin of Polar Bear Comix. He/him. Old.

Commissions open:
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SnowCone City #2: The Price of Fame is now available at . Super penguins! Villainous Canadians! Reality TV! This comic has one of everything and a bit extra. 50% off for the itch Summer Sale. #Comics #Penguins
Dramatic Reading of SnowCone City #2: The Price of YouTube video by Joseph Hewitt
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Thanks for hosting #TurnBasedThursday! GearHead Caramel is a tactics style mecha RPG which is now 23% off for the #SteamSummerSale. You can import your character from the previous GearHead Arena and continue your adventures after the Typhon Incident. #GameDev
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This photo is pure 2024.
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Working on a cute scene for Jessica and Kurt because they didn't really get one together yet, in which Kurt talks about why he became an orthopedic surgeon and the two of them talk about working out, then Jessica info dumps about teeth until unintentionally saying something completely inappropriate.
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Do you want John Wick action, a unique noir visual style, a ride-or-die romance, and more empty shell casings than you can count? Rent-A-Thug - La Cosa Glasnostra only has a few days left on Kickstarter, and needs help hitting stretch goals!
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Beware the beautiful abstractions that subtly replace the requirements of the software with their own preservation
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Quoting myself because I can.
Try looking here. I made a whole bunch of lighted Necromunda scenery with cheap LEDs and 3V button batteries.
Necromunda Scenery | Tammi S
Back from work. Still have some migraine postdrome. Gonna cook supper, give the fish tank a partial water change, and collapse. But what I really want to do is comics.
Obviously we don't have 4th of July fireworks in Korea, but I wanted to mention this weird animal thing. Moopsy, my hamster, has no fear of thunder. Possibly she can't even hear it bc hamsters can't hear low frequencies. OTOH my plecos, Dora and Donut, freak out every time there's a thunderstorm.
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CodeManu and Kronbits have a bundle with a bunch of #GameDev assets and apps. Lots of useful stuff; as far as I can tell most of it is also individually discounted if you don't want to pick up everything.
Gamedev All-In-One by Kronbits, Gamedev All-In-One: up to 30 items starting at $19.95
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Christian Miller aka silverspook has a bundle with both Neofeud and Decolonators at 70% off, including the Neofeud soundtrack and fiction collection. Postmodern cyberpunk noir adventure game in which you play a social worker for robots. Absolutely brilliant.
Neofeud A bundle by silverspook, $9.59 for 4 games
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Sophie Houlden has a selection of games at 70% off. The bundle price is worth it for Safecracking Simulator alone. Also, I hate to go all 90s on you but Sophie's Dice is possibly the most extreme dice rolling app ever created.
Summer Sale A bundle by Sophie Houlden, $7.00 for 10 games
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Caves of Qud and the soundtrack for Caves of Qud are both on sale for 10% off. They'd be a bargain at 10% above normal price. They'd be a bargain if you had to travel to 's house and fold his laundry for an access key.
Summer Sale A bundle by Freehold Games, $22.99 for Caves of Qud, Caves of Qud Soundtrack
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ok I've cooked and socialized enough, back to posting
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Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" • On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
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"Independence from Britain" is the world's most celebrated holiday.
"you're not American why do you care about the 4th of July" mate I'm Indian, any day someone got the Brits to fuck off back to their country is a national holiday for me
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Reposted byAvatar Joseph Hewitt
Hey thanks for hosting #TurnBasedThursday on BSKY! Terra Randoma entered 1.0 release recently, and we are working on our next major update: base building 🏘️ We will release it in time for the upcoming #Tacticon 2024!
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This is one of the best comics of all time and Lynda put it on the back cover of her book. She really said “I’ll give you that one for free”
stumbled onto this lynda Barry comic again which always makes me a little verklempt
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Our own squad tactics heist RPG now has over 100 updates, and is 34%-off for the Steam Summer Sale! 🧠 XCOM-like squad tactics 💰 Heist-planning strategy 🌆 Unique 23rd-century cyberpunk 🔀 Evolving characters in a dynamic RPG story system #TurnBasedThursday
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Hey friends! Nicky is a cool, queer & disabled artist who could use our help. Buy her a kofi or three, or get a commission! (Also July is Disability Month, and last month was Pride Month—let’s show her the intersectional support she deserves!) 🙏✨
🚨emergency commissions🚨🗣️ i have a lot of money to rack up to cover 2 months rent & bills and my current work simply won't get me enough in time, so extra commissions are seriously a lifesaver!! setting up a log of commishes keeps me paid and busy and housed!! 💖
Support Nicky Rodriguez on Ko-fi! ❤️. Send a tip to Nicky to help her keep making comics & stay afloat!
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We're this month's official #TurnBasedThursday host on Bluesky! 🎉 🛠 #GameDev / #IndieDev, reply & showcase your turn-based video games; use the hashtag! ☝ 🎮 #TurnBased fans, click in to see great games in the replies; 🔁RT to help them out! RPGs, strategy games, sims & more all welcome!
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So I'm only five sales away from a total of 420 downloads on my Itchio page AND the 2024 Summer Sale is here! For a few days you can download my latest horror comic The Vanishing Farm for free! (come on y'all 420 downloads would be so fucking funny)
The Vanishing Farm by Finn O' A girl with bovinophobia investigates the disappearances of her friend's family. (2023). Available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android
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샤인머스캣이 너무 맛있다
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Reposted byAvatar Joseph Hewitt
🚨emergency commissions🚨🗣️ i have a lot of money to rack up to cover 2 months rent & bills and my current work simply won't get me enough in time, so extra commissions are seriously a lifesaver!! setting up a log of commishes keeps me paid and busy and housed!! 💖
shit is still v precarious & i don't have much work on the horizon currently, with a move happening in august! so lining up commissions for a while would be pretty helpful 💖 esp for this month!!
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When an article says "some scientists think" then remember this: I, a scientist, once thought I could fit a whole orange in my mouth. I could, it turns out, get it in there, but I hadn't given sufficient thought to the reverse operation.