
So many unserious people are holding platforms that demand sober judgment, patience and careful analysis. They couldn’t take a deep breath and reflect. But no, THEY KNOW what should happen. I wouldn’t be so upset if they weren’t the same ppl that consistently get it wrong.
These same pundits are unwilling or ill-equipped to do an analysis of options that accounts for the Black vote. Because they never do, even tho Dems can’t win the presidency w/o it.
MY ENTIRE LIFE the White liberal pundit class have been angrily telling me how progressives and POC NEED to shut up and vote Dem, no matter our misgivings. Now THEY are faced with a candidate who they have misgivings about and they're wetting their collective pants! THEIR TURN TO SHUT UP AND VOTE!
The only reason I'm still subscribed to the NY Times is Jamelle Bouie. As soon as he's out, I'm out.