
Someday I’ll learn to never use the word “unbelievable” to convey hyperbole on the Internet, because it ALWAYS results in a ton of replies from people who feel an intense need to tell me that “well actually, it IS Believable.”
Fucking unbelievable that the big publications are running with this as the lead story after the Supreme Court just promised to install a convicted felon rapist insurrectionist as Emperor for Life.
I’m still trying to find the word count-friendly way to say ‘this is indisputable fact and I understand why it’s occurring but my brain refuses to accept it as our shared reality.’
Are you looking for a swear-word free version? I’ve never had someone “well actually” my “this shit is so fucked up!” But I know that doesn’t work in a lot of the meaning that you’re trying to convey
“Shit’s fucked” works, but it lacks nuance.
lol hmmm I suppose you’re right about nuance here