
10 years ago, gay Americans could not get married and have it count in all 50 states 20 years ago, you could be made uninsurable because you got sick once 30 years ago, HIV was a death sentence 40 years ago, acid rain was still a problem Dedicated public servants keep pushing good things forward
Having to admit that there's imperfect progress going on undermines their entire worldview.
This is very true. They want a revolution & how can you justify a revolution if the United States isn't irredeemable (even if it's imperfect). I saw a post today implying the US was imploding (which just is not the case). Yes, Trumpism happened but so did the backlash to Trumpism.
The Women's March was at the time the largest protest in US history, and extremely cringe. But all those grandmas and book clubs and church groups actually got real shit done.
Wait, why was it cringe?
Love the snark in these replies, btw. LOVE IT.
Pussy hats, wine moms, hashtag-resist... lots of derision directed at it from the True Leftists.
...who were sitting on their asses in a prolonged mope.
They weren’t just sitting on their asses, they were sitting on their asses waiting for the revolution which will get rid of all the bad people and usher in an egalitarian utopia!
Too many women were too visibly enthusiastic, one presumes.
And they were insufficiently revolutionary. They took to the streets rather than posting to correct one another’s terminology.
A certain type of poster would disparage the women marching, then post about the importance of material analysis within the hour and think nothing of it. Boggles the mind.
Revolutionary aesthetics is a hell of a drug.
Because pink hat wearing liberal winemoms did an awful lot of the work making it happen.
Because women are cringe unless they're doing activism that's primarily led by men, or something.
I can definitely see how it was cloyingly sentimental, but the thing is, more people like cloying sentiment than irony-drenched memes.
They weren’t intersectional enough. There’s actually a point there, but any legitimate discussion of exclusion of women of color and trans women gets drowned out on dunking on the women who organized it.
That was not a criticism. Cringe from the point of view of the terminally cool.
Oh you kids these days! /s 😏