
Life tenure. That doesn't seem to mean much for 'liberal' professors that upset the right. If Trump wins and a SCOTUS spot opens up, she's a likely choice.
She has life tenure, but that doesn't mean she makes the assignment rules for the District. That belongs to the Chief judge, who was already alarmed. Extraordinary case, with extraordinary 11th cir decision. Seems like the CJ fell down here and is now leaking to the NYT to rehabilitate her rep
She is where she is and she knows that any attempt to remove her, no matter how apparently valid, would cause a national backlash. At the same time attempts are being made to remove Merchan and question his trial oversight. There's an obvious gross imbalance in America's legal system.
That doesn't make any sense. The Trump trial overseen by Merchan is finished. There is nothing to remove him from.