
me: oh boy, fourth of july, time to go for a nice long bike ride! ken: hey i'm sick do you want to get sick too me, with a sore throat: what. why are you saying that. *cough* no
idk if i have covid. need to take a test
honestly given your symptoms and the fact that we’re in a surge it seems like a pretty safe bet. you should test, but the rapids aren’t very accurate rn, so if you can go to a clinic to get a PCR that’s probably better
ah damn it. blegh. i hate that googling covid symptoms 2024 doesn't even give useful results anymore. this doesn't feel like when i had covid but also it feels worse than a simple sickness
get some nasal rinses, if it’s covid it’ll help, if it’s a bad cold/some other cold-like illness it’ll help
also both of yall should be Staying Home and resting as much as humanly possible
ken unfortunately could not call out. i am though dw. really upset though i had whole plans and everything
i’m so sorry pumpkin :( hope Ken is able to mask at least
they are, ya. this shit really sucks. i really hope i feel better by sunday because i have a karting event and if i miss it i'll be really sad
Yeah my covid 2 weeks ago felt totally different to the first time I had it a couple of years back, a lot less body aches and fever, a lot more head cold type symptoms and generalised fatigue etc