
Thanks to the Supreme Court, right now Joe Biden has almost unlimited power to do ANYTHING. Restore Roe v Wade, undo Citizens United, outlaw running for office as a convicted felon. But he's tired
All those things could be challenged in the supreme court because it would need congress to make them laws. He wasn't granted powers to make any laws, but if he wanted to remove people he could officially remove, he could argue sending seal team six to assassinate them was just removing them.
So, congress could pass a law that the Pres is not immune, but then it could be argued in the Supreme Court that law was unconstitutional, and be overturned in favour of the Pres being immune again.
So, how all this fits in with executive orders, I guess they could be challenged in the supreme court, the same way Trump's was when he banned many people from Muslim majority populated nations from entering the US.
But, this supreme court will basically let anything slide that has checks and balances so the republic is dead. If Biden expanded the Supreme Court that would be about the most effective thing he could do, and then challenge that pres immunity decision.