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I'm the king of the world...
Is that a second sun in the sky?
Sunlight is plant food.

Also: https://mastodon.online/@doomscroller

On Dharawal Country
“AI” is not—as you might imagine from sci-fi—computers learning by themselves how to make sense of the world. Much of “machine learning” is dependent on a huge amount of human labor in labeling things for the algorithms. Like so much under global capitalism, AI comes at a huge human cost.
Ukraine has convened an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council following a Russian attack on a children's hospital, as announced by President Zelenskyi during a briefing with Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk in Warsaw. Zelenskyi also vowed that Ukraine will respond.
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
Monstrous. And let’s not forget - we have people who will sit in the HoC who still support Putin.
For all those on the path of Hurricane Beryl, Project 2025 would eliminate the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Just a reminder. Well over 1 million people have died from COVID in the US since this tweet from Musk. Phony Stark has no special powers of prescience. Yeah, shocking I know. 😐
another example
“At this point, Bezos Earth Fund’s enormous presence in the climate and conservation space starts to look less philanthropical, and more like an attempt to take over the corporate governance system for its own interests and agenda.”
The Bezos Earth fund has pumped billions into climate and nature projects. So why are experts uneasy?www.theguardian.com Jeff Bezos’s $10bn climate and biodiversity fund has garnered glittering prizes, but concerns have been voiced over the influence it can buy – and its interest in carbon offsets
OMFG, make it stop🤬 West Australian EPA gives approval to clear Jarrah forests: "South32 plans to mine 3855 hectares of native vegetation and 1678 hectares of cleared land, including farms, to continue supplying bauxite to its Worsley alumina refinery near Collie for another 15 years."
WA jarrah forest clearing given green light for Worsley bauxite miningwww.watoday.com.au The OK for South32 to clear 39 square kilometres of jarrah forest near Boddington has been slammed as disgraceful by environmental groups.
"my family has been own farm in nottingham north and kimberley since tudors. is not good!"
it’s me, definitely real british voter. i go to vote reform and then to Local Drink Place. very exciteding
June #SeaIce highlights from the #CopernicusClimate Change Service (#C3S): ❄️ #Antarctic sea ice extent was 12% below average, the 2nd lowest extent for June on record ❄️ #Arctic sea ice extent was 3% below average, with concentrations mixed across the Arctic Ocean For more 👉 bit.ly/4cSMKGc
Peter Dutton manages to nudge Australian print media outlets climate mentions up to a high not seen since Nov 2022. And all it took was him spouting some nonsense bullshit that was nonetheless coded to be media catnip while real, serious issues are ignored sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/icecaps/rese...
“Now a food security crisis lies ahead, along with even higher prices in a country whose president had sought to make agriculture an even greater engine of the economy.” On the good news front-some farms survived the flood due to adaptive farming practices. apnews.com/article/keny...
Kenya's dramatic flooding sweeps away a central part of the economy: Its farmsapnews.com Kenyan farmers' financial security and optimism have been shaken by recent flooding. The government calls it “a clear manifestation of the erratic weather patterns caused by climate change.”
😞 "Okhmatdit" children's hospital in Kyiv
⚡️🤬 Russians destroyed children’s “Okhmatdyt” hospital in Kyiv
Data released by Copernicus Climate shows: 📈 June 2024 was the warmest June on record 📈 The global average temperature for the last 12 months is the highest on record, 1.64ºC above pre-industrial 🌡️ 15th months that SST has been the warmest on record More: climate.copernicus.eu/copernicus-j... 🧪⚒️
BREAKING:Arizona is challenging the results of the French election.
"IPCC found 1.5C will kill off 70-90% of tropical coral reefs, while 2C will wipe them out ... 3/4 [of IPCC authors] expect at least 2.5C by 2100, half >3.0C The increments ... can mean difference between widespread human suffering and 'semi-dystopian' futures" www.theguardian.com/environment/...
Temperatures 1.5C above pre-industrial era average for 12 months, data showswww.theguardian.com Copernicus Climate Change Service says results a ‘large and continuing shift’ in the climate
BC’s Toxic Coal Dust Invades Alberta "After melting the dirty snow and assessing its chemical composition, they found vast quantities of polycyclic aromatic compounds, or PACs, a toxic class of organic contaminants. PACs are naturally found in fossil fuels ...widespread environmental contaminants"
BC’s Toxic Coal Dust Invades Alberta | The Tyeethetyee.ca Teck’s Elk Valley mines waft a poison cloud across the border, a new report finds.
I periodically ask ChatGPT to describe very basic things about nuclear weapons to me. It does a great job of regurgitating well-known information, but then will insert subtle hallucinations that only someone already well-informed on the topic would catch.
How We Will Respond to Climate Change w/ George Marshall "discuss George's previous book, "DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignore Climate Change" ...how our brains are not very good with dealing with future, long-term problems that don't trigger our threat response"
How We Will Respond to Climate Change w/ George Marshallwww.youtube.com In this second Climate Chat interview with George Marshall, we discuss George's previous book, "DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Ignor...
Slight captioning error in this midwinter ball photo — Madeleine King is the GAS Transport Minister