Simon Hammann

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Simon Hammann

Food scientist, Professor @ University of Hohenheim, Germany. Looks at lipids and lipid oxidation in food and archaeology using analytical chemistry.
Non-work interests include food, birds and athletics. I also do like a good meme.
There is spam Emails and then there's *THIS* OK ATTENTION INDEED
Attended a PhD viva yesterday where the student referenced a environmental/chemical case I had not heard before. In 1973/1974 Michigan experienced a disaster which ultimately led to 30 000 cattle, 6000 pigs and 1.5 Mio chicken to be killed. What had happened you ask? (1/x)
If I asked a chatbot for healthy meal plans, what do you think would be the outcome? Would it consider dietary guidelines and reference values? Would it understand the differences beween omnivourous and vegetarian or vegan diets? Would the results be useful at all? Curious to hear your thoughts!
When it's almost 10:30 am and you haven't received a single email that day. As could be expected I received an email while typing this post. Instant punishement.
There will always be crappy papers and there will always be journals that publishes them. Today's example features these two beauties of chromatograms. And in case your wondering: It's from 2021, and yes, that stain is part of the figure, it's not on your screen
It's not even 10 am on a Monday, I am reviewing a paper in a rather prestigous journal in my field and it makes me genuinely annoyed and angry. This is going to be an awesome week. How are you all doing?
If my spam emails said I received a 1 Mio research grant and would continue with 20 pages of regulations on spending, overheads and reporting, open access requirements and data management plans I'd probably buy it.
From a paper: "...indicating the paraffin chain difference (–CH2–)." Is that AI written? Poorly translated? Tortured phrase to hide plagiarism?
Reposted byAvatar Simon Hammann
Reposted byAvatar Simon Hammann
Tesla Cybertruck nun auch als Cabrio
Wertvoller Tipp für Hagen Hauptbahnhof.
Reposted byAvatar Simon Hammann
Auffällige Worthäufungen und blumige Formulierungen enttarnen #ChatGPT als (Ko-)Autor von mind. 10 Prozent aller #Publikationen aus 2024, schließt ein Team vom Hertie Institute for AI in Brain Health der Uni Tübingen nach ausgiebigem Check: (von Andrea Pitzschke)
I still find some random quality of life features in powerpoint and get annoyed for not doing so years ago. Today: Did you know that you can CTRL+SHIFT drag and drop objects to copy them and lock them horizontally or vertically relative to the copied objects?
Where did I get this and what does it do?
Every time a journal makes me edit a reference list to the tiniest details I regret my life choices that led me to this
German team shouldn't be sad because we all know that the big prize at the Euros are the friendships that you find along the way.
This mug ("Good mood mug") is completely false advertising
Avatar in your professional opinion: Would 'Holy fuck, that's quite the result!' be an appropriate summary for the GE?
Reposted byAvatar Simon Hammann
#Chemsky 🧪 what kind of instrument booking systems do you guys use in your labs? Grateful for any recommendations!
#Chemsky 🧪 what kind of instrument booking systems do you guys use in your labs? Grateful for any recommendations!
I hate ChemSketch so so so much
When you're finding a research project to justify hanging around with red pandas
Lots of action this morning!
Reposted byAvatar Simon Hammann
Recently, I was peer reviewing a paper, and it cited one of my papers. Except... it wasn't anything I had written. The title sounds like something I'd write. It included coauthors I work with, and was in a journal I've published in. But it wasn't real. AI is not good for science.
Vielleicht hat eine mediale Omnipräsenz und die catchy Bezeichnung "Abnehmspritze" für ein Diabetes Medikament etwas mit den Engpässen zu tun aber qas weiß ich schon
Montag ist Focus Tag Mittwoch ist Gremientag Unklar was schlimmer ist