
I just learned about an absolutely horrible person.
Shooting multiple animals with a shotgun within easy distance of people working and children getting off a school bus, deranged behavior on like six levels
South Dakota's my home state, and Kristi Noem is only lucky she's the governor of a state of 900,000 because if she had a higher national profile she would be one of the most hated women in America.
Just the arrogant stupidity of bringing an untrained gun dog on a hunt then killing the dog for acting out
The cruelty and wastefulness of shooting a $600+ breed stock goat because it acted and smelled like a Billy goat
I'm losing my mind about the goat, literally anyone who knows literally anything about a goat would know better than this.
I went to a goat farm today with my kid and her friend. The goats chewed our clothes and smelled like goats.
Like I'm a hobby farmer. Mostly we sell eggs and give away extra produce to the community fridge but do you know what I learned fast? There are farm work clothes and there are good clothes and you expect the farm work clothes to get ripped and dirty. That is why you keep clothes for both.
The idea of killing a goat in a really painful way because he had the audacity to do goat stuff.... she doesn't want to farm. She wants paper machee props of farm life.
Almost certainly likes to hurt and kill things into the bargain too.
You know what is a key thing that is drilled into responsible hunters? You practice marksmanship so that you don't cause the animals you hunt undue pain with botched shots. You use weapons appropriate to the animal you're hunting. You don't fire a gun near random people or houses.
You don't hunt in a fucking gravel pit during working hours for the same reasons you don't strap a buck to the hood of your truck and parade it through town.
You might cause the prey under suffering, you might upset bystanders, you might HURT somebody.
I just think about how she's using this as an allegory for how we're returning to "the old ways" of politics and crowing about how "honest and politically incorrect" she is. The message seems clear: if you annoy me or aren't immediately useful, I should be able to kill you with impunity
Rugged Individualism bullshit as seen through a sociopathic lens
This is a reason that the left needs to start taking a clear look at rural issues at a deeper level than aesthetics. There is ethically and epistemologically complex stuff surrounding questions of livestock QoL and hunting / conservation. Many of these could be approached through collectivist lenses
The class (and, relatedly, racial) tensions at the roots of both the conservation and animal welfare movements as they currently exist are kinda underdiscussed and it results in a lot of leftists being in a weak position when they tackle these issues.
Guns are expensive. Trucks are expensive. Land on which to hunt is REALLY expensive. Even free time is expensive.
And how we structure hunting socially (as a sport conducted mostly on private property) is really tied to class.
There is also gender at play. I mean, back when it was common to throw paint on furs, it wasn't so common to throw paint on leathers. And, at that time, furs were mostly worn by women while leather was worn more by men.
Oh don't get me started on gender and bird conservation and feather hats. We'll be here fifteen years and I have a picture of a muff made out of a whole seagull.
I kind of want to see the seagull muff, ngl.
I misremembered, it was TWO gulls, plus one for your neck.
Yeah. The degree to which North American conservation grew out of an argument between sport and market hunters with subsistence hunters actively marginalized is erased in the idea of 'hunters' as a monolithic right-wing construct, but it's definitely the gentry who have the mic on the topic.
And a lot of the non-subsistence market hunters in North America either come from economically marginalized or racially marginalized social groups. The way the seal market collapsed based around largely aesthetic disgust did horrible things to the local economy of Inuk, Inuit...
and poor rural communities in Northern Newfoundland and Labrador.
Meanwhile, with the climate-driven collapse in polar bear and other macro-predator populations, there's a healthy debate about whether hate seal populations are negatively impacting local ecologies.
TBF a lot of market hunting historically functioned as an extractive industry (passenger pigeons, bison, whaling). Like many extractive industries it put marginalized people in the front lines with the danger and mess. I'm given to understand that the seal situation was more locally-owned.
I should really write an essay (or more) about all of this stuff but I know it's a rabbit hole I could live in for the rest of my life and not be satisfied with how well I explained it.