Siobhán McElduff

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Siobhán McElduff

Latinist, 1st gen Irish academic. Author of obscure academic books and slightly less obscure OERs on Roman culture. Translator of, and far too fond of Cicero. She/her nó sí/í.
Such a great coming together. I don't take photos at things like this because I'm never sure who might not like their photo all over even a niche social media site, but I made an exception for the Shinners.
As a thank you for bringing classmates on trips out of Dublin, I got given this fabulous set of book marks from the Forbidden City in Beijing (they're of the animals on the roofs). Splendid ways to mark my place.
If this were the only thing you had remaining from the entirety of the opinion pages of the Irish Times, you could do a great deal with it towards reconstructing a particular swathe of their columnists. It's quite magnificent in terms of its utter commitment to never letting go of begrudgery.
My dog and his walking buddies as taken by the dog walker. (He's the big one on the left.)
Descending from metaphorical to literal hell, I see.
Ooh. I think I know the answer to this one, and it's connected to why we currently have an official inquiry* into the horrific treatment of women in the Irish Army. *After years of effort by women in the forces.
Absolutely delighted to have this smug git voted in as Lord Mayor of Dublin. I guess it's lucky the role has no power beyond wearing the fancy necklace.
Being watched this am in Phoenix Park. Fawning season so dog is firmly on lead.
Pedro the Pigeon as we've taken to calling them.
I have someone's racing pigeon hanging out at the back of the house and am not sure how to encourage them to move on. They landed exhausted so I fed them and gave them water, and keep meaning not to feed them more but it seems so mean. They look so hopeful and incapable of fending for themselves.
Awaiting their breakfast from The Man That Feeds the Herons
Real shades of 'I can't believe there's illegal gambling going on here' from Casablanca.
Actually, we're shite at punishing them. They maybe go away for a few months and then they're roaring back on all the shows talking about how they've been cancelled.
Eamonn likes the dog friendly pub.
Got everything on there except anything about his actual politics. Tho I'm guessing by the working for Shell etc he's a mad right winger.
In scholarship my most abiding love is the works of Cicero, because no matter how terrible a person he was, it was his works that taught me how to look around you at a world that is collapsing and somehow keep going. Off now to read some more of the Tusculans and the letters for the nth time.
Heron just taking off and the man that feeds the herons (and a wide array of other admiring birds.)
Phoenix Park deer yesterday morning.
Found an old photo of Eamonn looking extremely noble. #dogs
Given that the protests and unrest are about the French state passing laws for them, this sounds like a red flag to a bull.
That was fecking amazing. Tho today the voice is gone from all the shrieking of songs and joy and I am wrecked. But he's like an advertisement for age being just a number.
I'm no fan of the police, but I don't think the conclusion that I'd take from this is that the issue was with the cop being thick, as much as it was with the fella who thought he'd just roll through the traffic stopped because of a fatal accident.
I guess this makes a change from the usual Irish Times reprinting of whatever press release various builder and landlord groups send out.
Sure, what's a little supporting the sending in of riot police to arrest and tear gas students between friends? Like, I get the stakes, but blindly supporting your lad whatever he does is not a positive thing.