Siobhán McElduff

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Siobhán McElduff

Latinist, 1st gen Irish academic. Author of obscure academic books and slightly less obscure OERs on Roman culture. Translator of, and far too fond of Cicero. She/her nó sí/í.
I like to wind up my Daily Mail-reading mother by saying things like “Kier Stamer is passing a law to make Meghan Markle the next Queen” or “he’s going to tax pensions to pay for HS2”. Today my friend suggested “He’s renaming the Elizabeth Line to the Camilla Line” which is DEFINITELY getting used.
The Irish government is asking people to take a survey on climate change action. If you live in Ireland, this affects you. Please take the survey. It's pretty detailed, but it'll be time well spent. #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Climate Conversations
Síleann fear na buile gurb é féin fear na céille.
Lessons I've learned from the LLM era (list to be expanded, probably): 1. Sufficiently advanced autocomplete is indistinguishable from an impossibly well-read toddler on peyote. 2. Almost any decision has the potential to be a life-or-death decision, if you're bad enough at it.
Pismo! And his wee grumpy face!
Discover your next family member: Pismo, located in Morgan Hill, CA. Learn more:
God forbid someone should be offended at the endless use of national stereotypes for their nations. It's such a fecking lazy thing to do as well. Like is there no other original or even semi-original joke to be making except the ones that have been made for generations?
I’ve had Nigerians mad at me for not getting the “Nigerian prince scam” reference and I’ve had Indians jump on a joke about Vivek, but the Irish are making a strong showing in the contest for humorless scolds today
Interesting and depressing comparison with how fast they moved when it was tents along the canal. If only they'd set up a jetty and started renting out spaces they'd have been set.
Accusations of 'shag all' being done about 100 unauthorised developments on the Some developments operating along the River Shannon pay no fees and are in direct competition with other businesses.
Icymi: I made a feed that collects posts about seeing a cybertruck for the first time because I enjoy them (the posts not the car) so much
Last chance to get down to our training centre and support our car wash in aid of Oscar's Kids
four films you don’t just dislike, you despise 🎥 #filmsky (saw this going around again today and couldn’t resist the temptation to be a little bitch)
What are four films you don't just dislike, you despise. 🎥 #filmsky (there is alt text for those interested)
Won’t someone make a case for Shakespeare who has clearly been left fallow for 400 years
Hey! Historians of American higher ed.: got any use for a visiting graduate student's notes for classes in American history taught at Harvard in 1949-50? I'm going through my mother's papers; she took courses from Schlesinger, Morrison, Albion & others. Took detailed lecture notes. Of interest?
This Saturday between 10am and 4pm our #DFBRecruits will be holding a car wash at our training centre in aid of @OscarsKidsIE Not only will you help a very worthy cause, you will leave with a clean car! Can't make it but want to make a donation? Scan the QR code!
Or 'yer man'. I hear the English love that on all formal occasions.
Midsomer Norton’s MP is found thoroughly defeated…. #UKpol
As the UK is not the US, it's probably not necessary to start planning the next election now, given that it's five years away. Like between now and then pretty much anything could happen and probably will given the world as she is now.
Their plan if people move on with their tents down the canal is to put up 2 km more of fence and more and more as needed. Eventually, they'll have the entire Canal fenced off.
'It's an important relationship between a prime minister and the king' - a thing heard on TV in 2024 and not 1824.
Hedgehogs: the hidden danger of the countryside that no one wants to talk about.
A woebegone lexicographer is found torn apart by hedgehogs. Suspicion falls on Haddington’s audiologist, One-Eared Brian, confused that cryptocurrencies might threaten 16 more murders.
Last tickets available for @Vicar_Street tonight and tomorrow. It’ll be like a warm can of Faxe up a tree in the night in a city centre park. Mmm. Join me, plus guests:
Looking forward to many pictures of big name Tories losing their seats at 4am in the morning.
Do have a read of my new piece on how a domestic ‘circular economy’ was achieved as recently as our Irish grandparents generation, and three examples showing how they did: furniture, fashion and food waste 👇
How our ancestors were recycling long before green There are many lessons to learn from past generations in how they reused and recycled furniture, fashion and food waste
Once went to a talk by a bright young thing from Cambridge on Chiraq, where not only did he unfavorably compare it with the Cambridge Greek Play for dealing with critical issues of the day, but it turned out in questions that he didn't know US football teams had names like 'Spartans' and 'Trojans'.
One thing that goes around every now and then that i think about a lot is that academic paper about King of the Hill where they say the show never reveals what Hank Hill does for a living
A few of Taylor's columns: Whitehall’s Red Tape Stasi is trying to kill small businesses like mine A smoking ban would be unimaginable without lockdowns Starmer should heed Hunt’s advice, follow my lead, and lose a few pounds This is no longer the Britain the D-Day generation fought to save
What new madness is this?
The shark doctor is in! Ask me anything. Have questions about sharks? Marine biology? Ocean conservation? Me? Anything at all? Ask me anything! Ask away, my flight is in two hours and I’m bored. Tag friends who might have questions, and please share! 🧪🦑🌎
A series of voters are thrown down a flight of stairs. Depending on where they land they get to test the relevant part of the health service. Meanwhile the people who pushed them get to decide whether they want the injured people to die or not, and will then blame them.
The thing that enrages me most is that driving through Dublin is am utterly miserable experience now for all commuters - everyone loses. The people who want the status quo retained must never have to drive themselves.