
Oh man I have thoughts about that story about kids bullying their teachers. But the short version is - straight line to the model they’ve been getting from adults in charge all around them + larger distain for education/educators
It’s not like I’ve been a professor for THAT long yet but I’ll tell you what when I first became one I didn’t know anyone worried our students would dox us, shoot us, or secretly record us, but now…
We seem to have gone from parents assuming teachers will discipline their kids because they can’t be bothered, to parents assuming kids will discipline their teachers because they’re raising entitled assholes. Hopefully the pendulum swing back to normal before nobody is willing to teach anymore.
It’s like hmm…I wonder how a profoundly anti-intellectual culture that rewards people who bully, humiliate, assault, and punch down for laughs could end up with kids who act like dicks. We’ll never know!
Also add the immense widespread emotional dysregulation (which is being structurally ignored in favor of a return to "academics") and that doesn't help.
Blame social media and parents who are dicks. Anti-intellectual culture has been a feature of the US for a long time.
There’s a lot of “where are the parents?!” talk and as a former HS teacher I want to say “they’re right there being hateful online with their kids.”
Half of their parents cheer on a man whose whole personality is violent bully
And those people are usually the quickest on the draw with that line.
This right here.👆🏼 Teachers are maybe the only other adults in a position of influence in a lot of these kids’ lives. And it’s obvious here what they think of them. 🙄
Also… “in a wealthy suburb” definitely tracks. The parents are absent from this story, but I’m thinking they’re pretty central in the situation.
(probably in a “if you mention us, we will sue” sort of way)
Yep, the GOP has declared open warfare on all public goods, and the most visible one is education
Bingo 👏 Mommy and Daddy said they're try to turn kids into drag queens and BLM terrorists.
Yup, it all leads back to their parents .
“A good teacher is like the rising sun that comes to fill the empty and dark minds with the light of the education” - Anamika Mishra
Yep. Saw it in action during ten years of middle school teaching.
That said...the parents who were toughest on their kids were the working class Hispanic parents. Kid get out of line? You bet Mama was chewing on their behinds right then and there when they heard that at conferences.
Capitalism & our country were founded on & reward inhumanity Schools are a reflection of the wider society so of course inhumane parents have inhumane kids I’m done rewarding the inhumane with humane comfort, that’s part of why I left 11 years of teaching