Skeletor Capital

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Skeletor Capital

Equities, ex-credit, they keep forcing me to cover semiconductors, Final Fantasy, cats
Famous widowmaker: feels like USDJPY is an interesting election trade. But which side?!
This is why we don't let new supervoting shares into the index and it's a good thing.
Dictators get to power supported by people who never, ever, think they will get on the bad side of the dictator. It’s a very common, fatal mistake.
Folks really have a hard time unerstanding that that "but won't" part is exactly *why* they should be doing everything they can to make sure he gets elected.
Hot takes that are going to be infuriating over the next weeks and months: “The Supreme Court said the president can do whatever he wants so Biden could totally do X but won’t”.
Me: hahaha I can own all the polluters I want, all I have to do is make sure interest groups exist. They're all torqued capital structures, thin equity but I'm going to be rich! [5 seconds elapse] Bloomberg: excuse me, m'lord, but it appears your holdings have all been sued in Cook County, IL.
Equities feel like upper middle of the road risk vs reward. Classic 4-5 out of 10 opportunity set. Love all this dispersion we've seen though.
This website is a strictly better experience.
End of feed.