Skeptical Science

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Skeptical Science

Non-profit science education organization building public resilience against climate misinformation. More at
The Conspiracy Theory Handbook is now available in 20 languages! 🌍✨ Thanks to our amazing volunteer translators coordinated by, this essential guide provides helpful pointers to identify conspiracy theories across the globe.
A recent article suggests that the accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is caused by the influence of temperature on natural systems, rather than fossil fuels. But it's a glaring mistake, like confusing the brake with the accelerator. Find out why here:
Love when gets sassy. “It’s just Anthony Watts. It’s one guy who keeps repeating himself every decade,” said Schmidt, who is a climate modeler. “I mean, it’s like he has one talking point, and he keeps talking about it. Almost nobody else is talking about it.”
Climate denial group wants to subvert NOAA data with its The Heartland Institute seeks to build a nationwide network of temperature-monitoring stations.
To check how good you already are at identifying the #FLICC techniques of science denial, visit the blog post for a Cranky Uncle themed quiz and answer the 12 questions presented in an online form there. We hope that you have some cranky fun with this!
Interested in a virtual "glimpse" of a very large scientific conference? Then check out our volunteer's's diary of the happenings during the week at #EGU24 where she attended 15 sessions and presented in two of them. Lots to digest for sure!
#EGU24 hosted by is a wrap for me! During this intense week, I attended 15 sessions virtually, gave 1 oral presentation and was on the panel of a Union symposia. Once again, lots of food for thought to write about for
🚨NEW: I Watched The Climate Deniers' New Movie So You Don't Have To: it's The Climate Laundry #3 - now with audio! "Director Martin Durkin and friends set out to prove a) that there is no climate emergency and b) it is climate scientists who are corrupt, actually."
I Watched The Climate Deniers' New Movie So You Don't Have A British filmmaker's latest attempt to convince us that climate change isn't happening is a feeble affair. But propaganda doesn't have to convince everyone to be effective.
There's a new climate denial movie doing the rounds. In the first 42 minutes, it manages to hit 25 of the most common, long-debunked myths about climate change. That may be a new record. Skeptical Science has a full analysis of its "hot mess of cold myths" here:
What is a "hot mess of (c)old myths"? If you guessed "Climate - the Movie" than you are correct as the film rehashes 25 myths listed in our database and check-marked in the attached graphic. Our blog post has the full list with links to the rebuttals:
A listing of 35 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, March 10, 2024 thru Sat, March 16, 2024. Also included: an explanation how we collect worthwhile articles to share. #climate
I used to think it was no big deal that my postdoc research on climate at Princeton was funded by BP, but now I see it as BP's effort to burnish its reputation and influence research. On balance, taking fossil fuel funding is a net negative and this kind of research should be government funded.
He Wants Oil Money Off Campus. She’s Funded by Exxon. They’re The two friends, both climate researchers, recently spent hours confronting the choices that will shape their careers, and the world. Their ideas are very different.
Several years ago, members from our team spent "some" time to help train an AI tool called CARDS. So, it's cool to see CARDS put to good use and bearing fruit as the underlying tool utilized to create CCDH's report about "The New Climate Denial"!
Reminder #48 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal explains that greenhouse warming is 100 times greater than waste heat
Reminder #47 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal - the most tricky one we tackled thus far - answers the question "Is the CO2 effect saturated?"
The Cranky Uncle game has come a long way since the initial crowdfunding started in December 2019. The classic version can now be played in 12 languages and a Vaccine version was recently launched in East African countries. Read about the co-design process here:
Reminder #46 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal explains why "Why plants cannot survive on CO2 alone"
Reminder #45 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal answers the question "What is methane's contribution to global warming?"
Sherry Rowland: “What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions if, in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?”
My 1986 dissertation concluded if we didn't stop polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases, the mountains in the West would start losing snowpack. I've now lived long enough to see it. Snow Shortages Are Plaguing the West’s Mountains
Snow Shortages Are Plaguing the West’s Some ski areas remain closed. But an even greater concern amid a changing climate is whether enough snow will fall to meet water needs for the summer.
Our 2023 review: Our major project during 2023 saw us cranking out 45 updated basic-level rebuttals now featuring an at-a-glance section. Check out the linked blog post put together by for many other activities which kept us busy during the year!
The Cranky Uncle game is now available in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Swedish, Turkish, Albanian, Macedonian & Finnish. It can be played on iOS (, Android ( or browser (
Reminder #44 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal answers the question "What is causing the increase in atmospheric CO2?"
Peter Hadfield - aka Potholer54 - fact checks claims about past CO2-levels made by Ivor Cummings who gets them from the climate science denying CO2-Coalition. Needless to say that this isn't going well for either of the two!
Reminder #43 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal answers the question "Does breathing contribute to CO2 buildup in the atmosphere?"
Reminder #42 that we are interested in feedback about the updated rebuttals featuring an "at a glance" section. This rebuttal answers the question "Has the greenhouse effect been falsified?"
NEW – COP28: Key outcomes agreed at the UN climate talks in Dubai Read here ➡️
"Exxon’s attendance [at #COP28] is part of Big Oil's decades of efforts to infiltrate and corrupt attempts by policymakers to meaningfully address the climate crisis" - My take in on Exxon CEO's absurd comments at UN climate talks today. 1/n
UN climate talks have focused on renewable energy for too long, Exxon chief Darren Woods tells FT that oil and gas major has a role to play in reducing emissions
🚨‼️URGENT PSA ‼️🚨 If you know anyone attending #COP28, please tell them *under no circumstances* to download the summit app from the UAE. Like last year, we have credible intel this could be used as a cyberweapon. Spread the word!
Egypt’s COP27 summit app is a cyber weapon, experts Security officials raise fears over the Egyptian government’s mobile app as POLITICO analysis shows it can listen to private conversations and access encrypted texts.
Want to stay up to date on the happenings at COP28 and behind the scenes there? Than check out and subscribe to ( the daily "COP, LOOK, LISTEN" report from Climate Action Against Disinformation (CAAD)! Here is issue 3 for Dec 2 as an example:
#EGU24 is still some months away but abstracts need to be submitted by Jan 10, 2024. We have suggestions for two EOS-sessions and a short course in this blog post on
Da ich die Gefahren, die von Desinformationen ausgehen, für sehr hoch halte, gibt es nun eine Übersetzung des Artikels von Stephan Lewandowsky & John Cook ( auf #falschinformation #desinformation