
I thought neurotypicals were supposed to love small talk, but they literally don't respond when I try. Them: hey how's it going? Me: good how are you? Them: 🦗 Or Me: Have a good night. Them: 🦗 Like I straight up don't exist, just no response.
Sorry to hear. I felt the same way on my 50th birthday on the 4th. It's hard when Elon Musk bans you as a present. (Amongst other things not so great, that's what I got).
Friggin Elon 🙄 That sucks. Birthdays on and around holidays definitely are a challenge in the feeling overlooked department. I hope you're able to do something nice for yourself.
I got invited to a friends' house tonight for fireworks that are going to be at the lake. Most of my own family didn't even get ahold of me this year. It's like they just totally forgot/don't care, like I'm not even important. Which is what people who are born on the fourth of july deal with anyway.
Being your birthday that is a really shitty of them. Some of my family is in the next town over... didn't hear from them at all for the holiday. Spent the day in bed with my cats, pretty much my only friends at the moment.
Yeah it's already depressing turning 50 and being born on a holiday that celebrates empire and endless wars. Then being treated like you don't exist by most, makes it that much harder. So yeah going to visit my friend again and his cats. Hope it is better tonight than it was on Thursday. Peace. ☮️✌️🕊️
Thanks, enjoy your time with your friend and his cats!
... brb pulling out the cricut to make one of these 🤣