
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
Like, expanding the Court isn’t even an abuse of scope. It’s a precedented remedy.
Too bad it requires congressional approval...
Not anymore it doesn't. Sounds like just having a few people show up in black robes and telling SCOTUS they've been placed there is totally legal now as long as it's an official order.
Says who? The Court? Congress, who has to get it enforced by The Court? The Court that’s had 7 more Justices seated? Is it criminal he didn’t get their advice and consent? Who’s gonna stop him? The Court?
Arrest 6 of them, install 6 new ones, have them issue an opinion that the POTUS has a fucking scope of official duty that makes defeating the checks and balances on the executive by other branches outside the official scope of office, cite the incident as proof.
Then have the 6 resign, and Biden releases the prior 6, re-nominates them, and lets the Senate confirm them. Or not.
Don’t mind me, just coping with the insanity by embracing it