Ms . Penny  Oaken

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Ms . Penny  Oaken

🧙🏻‍♀️| 🤫 | 🥹 | 🔞 | She/Her/Hers pronouns.

Die Himmel in dir, wie kann ich sie wissen, kann sie seh'n? Wir tanzen im Fluge, wie Sterne, die ihrer Wege zieh'n


To be clear: Elon Musk — owner, operator, and main character of what used to be the town square of the world — is issuing terrorist threats, to intimidate voters.
so it appears that it is the time in the fascist coup for reactionaries and fascists to turn up their use of explicit threats of death for those who oppose them. Elon is telling people they should be dead for opposing fascist white power legislation. Networked violence starts a lot like this.
There’s an interpretation of Trump v US (the one summed up as “When the President does it, it’s not a crime”), that argues that SCOTUS issued that opinion to motivate America to stop FAFO’ing by nominating & electing shitbag meme POTUS candidates, to kill “Calm Down! How bad could it possibly be?”
when Trump was elected I asked a military reservist I worked with what safeguards there were against him nuking some country because their leader tweeted about his fingers at 3 AM. My colleague said "you know that movie with Gene Hackman and Denzel on a sub?" I needed to lay down in a dark room.
Want a fun, engaging hour? Using Robert Paxton’s ontology of Fascism, try to work out whether the Heritage Foundation fits into the “Traditional Elites” bucket or the “Nationalist Militants” bucket. Because Trump disavowing Project 2025 looks a lot like the Nationalist Militants purging the Trads.
Was out running errands and had the opportunity to stop in at a Half Price Books, decided to check out the Tarot decks they had They had a 1st edition, signed, OTO Thoth deck & book $700.00 Not even if I had billions of excess cash sitting around
The Heritage Foundation & Project 2025 are the albatross around Trump’s neck, and Trump is the albatross around the GOP’s neck.
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
“I want the Conservatives to be defeated in the next election, and for Labour to gain a majority!” Monkey’s Paw:
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
Hey. If you have ever been somewhere near David Tennant and are semi-randomly approached to see if you have any anecdotes about David Tennant, assume it's enemy action. Sorry for vagueness.
Remember how the "retail theft crime wave" disappeared as soon as companies had to do their annual reports? That's because it's illegal to lie to shareholders. AI is booming (if you're a pleb) but if you have money - Goldman Sachs will be honest with you instead
Gold is a float value so you can duel one another over billionths of a goldpiece
Your current stats Class: oracle Level: 1 Experience: 11 Gold: 17.14159265359
Dear Australia Dialects migrate towards non-rhoticity; rhotacising your goat vowel and the resulting “naur” is a microaggression towards the rest of the English speaking world Which tracks, doesn’t it
It’s 100°F & 60% rh here right now I opt for “get frozen for decades” kthx
Fun ways to celebrate Steve Rogers’ birthday: Punch a nazi Turn into a werewolf Make your new best friend dress like your old, dead best friend Get frozen for decades Break spells with the power of your piercing blue eyes Hang out with former criminals Get pegged by a girl with pink hair
The awful mockery of a group of powerful, rich, privileged and connected elites hijacking the inverted US flag to signal their discontent that the proles won’t only speak when spoken to Sheer fucking propaganda
In good, Declaration of Independence form, the Heritage Foundation has not only declared their support for a 2nd American Revolution in the form of Trump 2.0, they are also assembling a long list of grievances, er, enemies to explain why that revolution is justified.
Team Trump Is Creating Blacklist of Enemies in Federal Worried about Republicans’ Project 2025? Meet Project Sovereignty 2025.
Hope that the UK can intercede with Labour’s transphobia now that they’ve trounced the Conservatives and their transphobia
Your vote is what Trump and the Supreme Court is most afraid of. They're afraid that you will say "fuck you" to them and vote. They want you to stay home. They want you to give up. So they can do what they want. Don't let them win.
For those on the left, you should understand that your vote is your voice and there is value in joining a chorus, not just dictating what everybody is allowed to sing.
17~ houns ish please help if you can
rent is due in 26 hours and i have no idea what we're going to do $753/$2570 please help keep me and peggy housed venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💕💸
Perspective: Reddit, Inc. used to have the position that “Hate is hard”, that bouncing hatred out of subreddits was best handled at the subreddit, volunteer mod level. That changed the summer of 2020. It might happen here.
Community level moderation on the order of “this person is a jerk and I don’t want to see them on here” is something that can be handled by volunteer level stuff Transphobia, racism, antisemitism, etc are systemic problems and need to be handled at the service level I hope Bluesky realizes that