
Every time someone claims immunocompromised people can’t take the COVID vaccine, more of my hair turns gray. It is the opposite — People who are immunocompromised need different, bigger and more frequent dosing than the rest of us to elicit an immune response.
Most people who are immunocompromised can (and I would argue, should!) get vax'd. (There are some severely immunosuppressed people on some specific therapies that cannot get vaccinated, or who have to carefully time vaccination–please consult the physician/team writing for your immunosuppression)
Yes- while most can get vaccinated, it is not always straightforward.
I am mildly immunocompromised at this point. I check in with my docs all the time about this. Recommendation is to get 2x a year but sometimes wait for an updated version.
The ONLY time my husband was told to not get a vaccine was after his stem cell transplant his doctors warned only against one. Shingles. Back then it was still a live vaccine, now that it isn't they recommended it and he got it.