Veronica Green-Party Eco-Socialist

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Veronica Green-Party Eco-Socialist

Atheist, Eco-Socialist, Green party, US citizen, trans-woman, union member, engineer-programmer. Have organic regenerative agriculture ranch entirely powered by renewable wind/solar, & growing organic crops using livestock & plant symbiosis
Can anyone show me how the USA is democracy? It absolutely DOES NOT look like democracy to me. 32% to 46% of us have 0 representation US Congress has 13% Approval / 87% Disapproval AND 95% re-election rate. Can we DUMP the DUOPOLY NOW? Please? It is not funny anymore. VoteGreen
No, no. That is called a job. We do that when we go to work. In Capitalism: you sell your life & your joy for a meager wage. Your weekend is 2 days of freedom if you are lucky enough to only work 1 job to make ends meet.
WHY Green party? WHY Dr Jill Stein 2024? PLATFORM. People, Planet, Peace, (THREAD) NOT PROFITS (that is Corporate Capitalist DNC & RNC priority, profits over people). Please consider the Green party platform? Here is how we work for YOU, the PEOPLE Instead of corporations or billionaires:
More of how Greens like Dr Jill Stein works for PEOPLE OVER PROFITS. Next? Planet.
Why vote Green? This is how Greens like Dr Jill Stein will protect the planet. Reminder: There is no planet B.
Why vote Green? This is how Greens like Dr Jill Stein will protect the planet. Reminder: There is no planet B. Next? Peace which benefits both people AND planet. War destroys EVERYTHING.
Why vote Green? This is how Greens like Dr Jill Stein will promote Peace. Reminder: There is no planet B. Peace benefits both people AND planet. War destroys EVERYTHING.
Why vote Green? This is how Greens like Dr Jill Stein will promote Peace. Reminder: There is no planet B. Peace benefits both people AND planet. War destroys EVERYTHING.
Why vote Green? This is how Greens like Dr Jill Stein will promote Peace. Reminder: There is no planet B. Peace benefits both people AND planet. War destroys EVERYTHING.
Question of the day: Should the USA taxpayer be shipping 500lb bombs to Israel? Is bombing brown children the best use of your tax dollar? Yes (I like genocide ala Biden, Trump, RFK) No (I oppose genocide, voting for Dr Jill Stein)
Randall Terry was/is cringeworthy insane. Having an imaginary friend is fine & all but asking me to vote for your imaginary friend to run the country? Oh, and having an imaginary enemy too? I DID like his "The Democrat Party MUST be destroyed" tho, at least we agree on that.
Truth. Every news organization & politician is given the same talking points to push the same narrative; party is an illusion. Look at "equivalence" to paint Israel as less evil than Hamas? Every politician Every news media Every day Parroting the same exact narrative?
I live in the USA; I will NEVER be able to afford to retire. I will work till I die. In China: I would already be free to enjoy life. Why do I hate Capitalism? Why do I vote Green? Why THIS.
Yeah, I'm getting old & sloppy in my old age. This paragraph of the Wikipedia article smells like BS to me: Mike Pompeo as a source?
Democrats: selling capitalism, fascism, authoritarian police state, Zionism, militarism, fossil fuels (oil and gas) & genocide. Also Democrats: "Why do leftists hate us"? I always punch right. Democrats are always getting in the way & defending far right fascists.
Transphobes: "There are 2 genders" Me: "How many personality types are there for men ALONE? Does this reflect a binary or a spectrum"?
Biden = death, genocide See the look of delight on Biden State Department spokesman Matthew Miller's face when asked about the Lancet report of over 186,000 Palestinian dead? GENOCIDE IS A RED LINE #DemExit & #VoteGreen Fix the USA, instead of bombing children? Jill Stein 2024 for peace
Equally vile, equally heinous, equally fascist, equally genocidal. Trump is honest about being a monster (even bragging about rape) Biden has apparently fooled his supporters; so I'd say Biden supporters are slightly stupider; while Trump supporters are slightly more disgusting.
We focus on "what we DO for a living" as if our life must be earned by activity. We have devalued ourselves to our activities instead of our existence. Under capitalism: life itself is a commodity with ever increasing costs out of reach by a growing percentage of the population.
Instead of being angry with me for not voting for Genocide Joe Biden: why not ask yourself why you are okay with Genocide?
I do not care if I am the ONLY Stein voter; I am voting for Dr Stein. I vote against the DNC & RNC because the DNC & RNC are AIPAC bribed genocidal Zionists. I vote against Zionism BECAUSE IT IS Zionism. I vote against genocide BECAUSE IT IS genocide You = disgust me because you support genocide
Putin, Biden, Trump ALL are: Pro-war Authoritarian Police State Pro-Fossil Fuel Pro-Oil& Gas Pro-Militarization Pro-Nuclear Weapons Stein is OPPOSED TO ALL that ONLY common between Putin & Stein? Free Public Healthcare, housing, & university. Stein = ONLY good parts of Putin Biden = ALL worst Putin
Putin, Biden, Trump ALL are: Pro-war Authoritarian Police State Pro-Fossil Fuel Pro-Oil& Gas Pro-Militarization Pro-Nuclear Weapons Stein is OPPOSED TO ALL of that ONLY common between Putin & Stein? Free Public Healthcare, housing, & university. Stein = the ONLY good parts of Putin Biden = ALL worst
Biden is toast. The DNC is even abandoning Biden. You would have better odds of electing Hillary at this point.
Look what Democrats do? Trump sucks, so we will attack Stein? Democrats BLOCK Greens from Ballot Access. That is NOT democracy; that is FASCISM. I would not vote for your anti-Democracy fascist scum if you were my ONLY choice.
So meeting Lavrov is a crime? Here is Hillary with Lavrov & both Hillary AND private citizen Bill Clinton taking Russian bribes to get SOS Hillary to approve the sale of US uranium mines to Russian miner Rosatom. Clintons TAKE Russian MONEY Stein does NOT.
Genocide Is NOT Less Evil Lying about beheaded babies to SELL genocide is NOT less evil. Bragging about being racist is not less evil either. Your entire argument is a lie
ANY Democrat or Republican = Genocide. FOLLOW the money, the lies, the laws, and the bombs. Example: Genocide Joe Biden lied REPEATEDLY about seeing beheaded babies.