Veronica Green-Party Eco-Socialist

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Veronica Green-Party Eco-Socialist

Atheist, Eco-Socialist, Green party, US citizen, trans-woman, union member, engineer-programmer. Have organic regenerative agriculture ranch entirely powered by renewable wind/solar, & growing organic crops using livestock & plant symbiosis
Equally vile, equally heinous, equally fascist, equally genocidal. Trump is honest about being a monster (even bragging about rape) Biden has apparently fooled his supporters; so I'd say Biden supporters are slightly stupider; while Trump supporters are slightly more disgusting.
We focus on "what we DO for a living" as if our life must be earned by activity. We have devalued ourselves to our activities instead of our existence. Under capitalism: life itself is a commodity with ever increasing costs out of reach by a growing percentage of the population.
Instead of being angry with me for not voting for Genocide Joe Biden: why not ask yourself why you are okay with Genocide?
Democrats say Joe Biden is coherent. Okay, then why is he running to beat Trump again in 2020? He doesn't even know what year it is.
Question: what to do with a portable tire inflator when the compressor wears out? Stoned engineer: "hold my beer"
I have purchased a ridiculous device for the inhalation of cannabis vapors. I was shopping for dry herb vapes, found this one, and thought “that’s both expensive AND stupid-looking, I should own it”
Biden has 2 hot wars going with record heat. So at the same time as the season finale of the United States, we can also watch the ongoing show: "As The World Burns" in a marathon double-header.
"Can't today. I'm busy watching the season finale of the United States."
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." #gaza #genocide #ceasefire
DEMOCRATS How many babies do YOU need to murder before you comprehend that you're a fucking Nazi? Serious question (FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD).
Democrats: Are you tired of being lied to? So who ARE you voting for? Trump? Or Dr Jill Stein? Hindsight is 2020? I kinda felt like we been telling you so, IDK, for YEARS NOW? Greens = no lies.
Any government spending mountains of money on overseas military operations... it is absolutely reasonable for the voters to want that spending shifted to them.
This but unironically.
Politicians will lecture us about “law and order,” and then immediately go commit war crimes.
Attention nations of the world: the USA POTUS cannot function after 8PM; so we need to arrange all diplomacy, wars, & espionage around our Sleepy Joe POTUS schedule? Okay? Back to our regularly scheduled Zionist propaganda. #abandonbiden #JillNotJoe #JillStein2024
Regarding Independence Day: King Chartles? PLEASE take us back? I will GLADLY pay taxes on tea to the crown in exchange for free healthcare.
Fact-checked in comments! Vote for the better choice: Jill Stein
So all cops are essentially posers? Good to know. ACAB END the war on drugs? Biden = NO Trump = NO Dr Jill Stein = YES Join Us?
In Capitalist Propaganda: We all start out with equal money & equal opportunity. But the reality is that the best 2/3rds of the USA board is owned by 10% of the population who own 66% of the bank too (2022). The top 1% own the best 30% of the USA, board, & bank (2022) Good luck
Fireworks are literally people making colorful climate destroying strobes in the sky & on the ground. What could possibly be the message? "Here I am, fking up my own environment as a signal that I DGAF about ANY life on this planet. I will contribute to my own extinction".
Do you want Representative Government? Should YOUR vote count? Your right to vote & right to choose who you vote for is being taken from you THIS election (and was the last two elections as well) Each year, we have fewer voting rights Proof? #JillStein2024
You. That's the YouTube video by Jill Stein
Genocide Joe Biden: Is it REALLY "just a stutter"? Because if it is not, then the DNC Services Corporation LIES! What else did they lie about? ACA? Is your healthcare affordable? IRA? Has inflation ended? Or are the price increases now permanent? Join us?
Jill Stein People. Planet. Peace.
So all cops are essentially posers? Good to know. ACAB END the war on drugs? Biden = NO Trump = NO Dr Jill Stein = YES Join Us?
A Green wave is coming for the AIPAC bought genocidal Fascists in DC. Dr Stein will clean out the corruption & restore representative government BY and FOR the people. See Dr Stein's plan at & the Green Party Platform at Join us?
Jill Stein on "surge" of support after Biden's debate Green Party candidate says Joe Biden's "cognitive issues" have been known about "for some time."
Mississippi is the poorest state in the US. Even though the state gets federal welfare funds, it is difficult to get welfare. The money was all getting stolen, and they got away with it. Now the journalists who exposed the story are facing a lawsuit and jail.
She exposed how the nation's poorest state spent federal welfare money. Now she might go to "The rabbit's got the gun now," said a lawyer for former Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant, who is trying to force reporter Anna Wolfe to reveal her sources.