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Counted tests just now while working on Bridgy Fed, it has 814. Expanding to include the whole stack, including granary, arroba, lexrpc, etc, there are 2669 total. (Nice.)
Bridgy Fed's bridging has been down some today. Apologies, all! I'm on vacation with limited access right now, so the downtime has been longer than it would be otherwise. I'm working on it as best I can. Not sure if it will be back up soon or tomorrow, but I'll keep you posted.
It’s been a month since the last Bridgy Fed status update, so it’s time for a new one! I’ve spent a lot of time over the last month on user-visible improvements and bug fixes, notably more complex post types and links, as well as underlying infrastructure. Click through for details.
snarfed.orgsnarfed.orgsnarfed.org It’s been a month since the last Bridgy Fed status update, so it’s time for a new one! I’ve spent a lot of time over the last month on user-visible improvements and bug fixes, not…
Finally got around to reading Geoff Huston's comprehensive, heartbreaking eulogy of DNSSEC. He takes the thought-provoking position that TLS has largely subsumed the need for DNSSEC - not perfectly, and with a somewhat different threat model, but still. Great networking neckbeard reading, as always.
ISP Column - May 2024www.potaroo.net
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
I like to drink a bunch of coffee before a nap so I can sleep really fast
My daughter just informed me that my name is now Carl. 🤔
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
Great news for Bluesky & the Fediverse! Thanks to our friend @snarfed.org, you can now join the wider social web by following @ap.brid.gy, opening up the bridge to the Fediverse. We’d love to see you there and a lot of other people will too. Any questions, feel free to get in touch! #Bsky
Bridgy Fed status update time! It's been a busy couple weeks. Happy to report that I've made solid progress on three of my four goals from last time - reliability, delays, and bugs - and improved a number of other things along the way. Details: snarfed.org/2024-05-20_5...
I'm at my kid's volleyball game, and I just watched her accidentally high five one of her teammates in the face. 🤣🤦‍♂️
Psyched to play Animal Well! The descriptions so far are giving me very NetHack/Rogue vibes. Anyone else?
Phew! It’s been quite a few days, fed.brid.gy is up to almost 2500 bridged accounts total. Thanks again for all of your interest! I’ve been in a constant state of whiplash, back and forth between hearing “this is so cool!” and “it’s broken in these 10 different ways.” 😁
there are few things quite as glorious as a whole day with no meetings we all know maker's schedule manager's schedule, but the impact on productivity still amazes me every time. way bigger than linear (even so, I miss the bandwidth of a whole team! way harder and slower doing everything myself)
Well, I didn’t plan it, but word got out anyway, and people discovered that the fed.brid.gy Bluesky/fediverse bridge quietly went online a bit ago. Over 1200 accounts have already turned it on so far and bridged themselves one direction or the other. It’s great to see so much early interest!
Re-introducing Bridgy Fedsnarfed.org Hi! I’m Ryan. I’ve been building social network bridges and related tools for over 12 years, including Bridgy, which connects personal web sites and blogs to centralized social networks…
Reposted byAvatar Ryan
When he built a bridge to connect #Bluesky to Mastodon and other ActivityPub-powered platforms, @snarfed.org ignited a new chapter for the #fediverse. The software engineer opens up to Mike McCue about his rollercoaster ride in the latest episode of Dot Social: about.flipboard.com/inside-flipb...
Building Bridges to the Fediverse, with Bridgy Fed’s Ryan Barrett - Flipboardabout.flipboard.com The software engineer's work to connect Bluesky to Mastodon and other platforms using the ActivityPub protocol ignited a firestorm.
I miss Mary Meeker's internet trends report.
Mary Meeker - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org
Saw "brownfield" for the first time just now as the opposite of "greenfield." Yuck. Feels a bit harsh - legacy software projects do much of the heavy lifting that makes the world go 'round - but I guess still a useful term. Maybe.
"A Belgian man was acquitted of a drunk-driving charge after court officials learned he suffers from a rare metabolic condition that causes his body to turn certain foods into alcohol. In what the man’s lawyer called 'another unfortunate coincidence,' the defendant is also employed in a brewery."
Belgian man whose body brews alcohol acquitted of drunk driving charge - National | Globalnews.caglobalnews.ca When he was pulled over by police, the 40-year-old Belgian man told officers he had not been drinking. It turns out the man has auto-brewery syndrome.
TIL: "shadow API." The developer equivalent of shadow IT. There's a whole ecosystem of wild, feral technology here just waiting to be discovered and categorized.
Track down shadow APIs with Apigee | Google Cloud Blogcloud.google.com As part of Advanced API Security in Apigee API Management, there is now the capability in public preview to track down shadow APIs.
Bridgy Fed status update! TLDR: it's coming along, final development and tests are in progress, feedback from the controversy a couple months ago has been useful, and other thoughts.
Bridgy Fed status updatesnarfed.org Hi all! It’s been a while since my last status update on Bridgy Fed, its upcoming Bluesky/AT Protocol support, and the resulting firestorm. It’s coming along! It’s not launched ye…
Tamagotchis sure have come a long way. Kid proudly informed me just now that she doesn't need to bring hers with us running errands because she hired a babysitter for it. 🧐
It's not dumb if it works.
One of our cats purrs so loudly that it's a running joke in our family. It makes her fur vibrate. We have to turn the TV volume up when she sits with us. Once, she was in another room, and I heard her purr through a wall. No joke.
Whoa, MapQuest still exists.