
We’re very lucky in Victoria that it’s not that hot right now. Lytton and other places are in extreme heat. I’ve got my AC on because I’m a wimp after three days or higher temps — and I’m working at home.
36.7 here in Port Alberni right now (in town - my neighbour's home weather station a few blocks away) 😩 glad i also have AC
I didn't realize that Alberni gets so hot but apparently you're the hottest place on the island. Is that true?
Yes, historically we always have been. Mid 30s in summer is pretty normal here, many older homes had "summer kitchens" (second, more minimal kitchen in basement) We're in a steep valley surrounded by mountains on all 4 sides with just a long narrow opening to the sea All time high was 42.7 in 2021
Highest Temperatures in Port Alberni
And that's the airport reading (Environment Canada's station is out there). it's usually much warmer right in town - ope, my neighbour's station is now reading 37.4. I'll have to ask him what his max was during the heat dome
I had been considering the idea of whether it’d be a nice place for me but I don’t think I could handle that kinda summer!
i'm here because it was most conveniently located for my former jobs, and also because it was (relatively) cheap. i was lucky to be able to afford to buy here in 2017. Now i'm stuck here unless i win the lottery. But the house has AC & i have my pick of swimming holes
We don't get the moderating sea breeze Victoria gets - although an onshore wind does develop in summer, it has all that long steep inlet to run up, so by the time it gets here it isn't very cool unless you're right ON the water, often not even then. Wind- and kitesurfers love it though 😺
I didn't expect to miss my AC this much when I moved from Toronto to Victoria.
Some of the apartments (like mine) really suck in the heat. Just ooooof. All depends on angles and windows and prevailing winds. Yeesh. But it didn’t used to get so hot here.