
Oh, no, Scott Galloway's creepy obsession with young people's sex lives now on Morning Joe approaching incel. Please no.
"One in three young men haven't had sex in the last year," complains Galloway on Morning Joe. He says that lonely broke young men are "the most dangerous people on the planet." The implication is that they deserve to get laid. That's incel. So glib. So creepy.
You know, I went all the way through college without having sex, yet somehow I didn't turn into a violent misogynist. Now I am only speaking from personal experience, but it is possible. Basically, this is a disgusting argument to make and is clearly an attempt to avoid the real issue here.
Proof that human males can evolve beyond being aggressive horndogs.
I misread this as “aggressive corndogs” and honestly
Those are the corndogs that are hot out of the fryer.