
Why would a major civilization-ending crisis be a reason to NOT replace the person who cannot do the job with someone who can?
Were you unhappy with the job Biden was doing before last week? I wish there was someone who could jump in & obviously win, but the people blaming Biden for the price of eggs & Gaza aren't going to go away. Let's see what happens in the next couple weeks before dooming.
I rarely saw him, like the rest of us. I assumed the person we saw at SOTU was how he always is. And maybe it was, back then. I'm not saying this to be mean. What I saw was terrifying.
I'm probably more of a political news nerd than you. Biden is more prone to brain farts & his voice is often too whispy for what you want from a POTUS, but his mind is working. The start of the debate was *rough*. The fact that Biden picked up as it went along makes me think "bad prep" was a factor
I'm willing to give him a couple weeks to do some things to show he's not going to have a repeat in the debate in September, which is the one that might actually matter. If it's not Biden, the nominee is Harris, unless you think Obama & the Clintons will lean on delegates to pick someone.
The fact remains that Trump is unfit for the office & we were always looking at election where ~ 46% of people want the guy, while another 10% want a pony. No new candidate changes that equation, so I'm not ceding an inch of ground to the NYT Editorial Board.
For the voice thing- this was today & no one is talking about it here. Biden sounds like he's sounded in the last few years. Either he had a cold, or he blew his voice out in the debate prep. It's also a good speech for the moment.
President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling — 7/1/ President Joe Biden deliver remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling on Monday.In a 6-3 opinion along partisan lines, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled...
I feel bad disagreeing about this.
I saw what you saw & I'm not pretending it's something that needs a strong response. I'm unconvinced Biden is incapable of being President, or winning in November. We're talking about this, instead of focusing on the firehose of falsehoods & racist conspiracies Trump spewed.
Trump is relying on an explicit Great Replacement argument & shameless lies. Who thinks the winner of this debate is a litmus test for racism.
Trump did not win that debate in any way that changes the election in the long term. If you don't feel right about pushing back on Biden's performance, Trump is your focus for now, imo.
It's okay to not feel great about this. Four years ago, it was "Biden is hiding in his basement". Either Biden rights the ship soon, or the campaign takes a long hard look at the alternative of putting their hopes on Harris.
Imo, if we lose, it's not the candidate, it's people showing up for fascism & others deciding it wasn't worth showing up to stop it.
I mean that I feel bad having to tell you such hard truths when I can see how much you wish it wasn't true. All I can say is watch it again and watch the Waffle House visit afterward. Watch his face very closely. Then watch him try to navigate the steps of the stage. Then the crowded restaurant.
You can SEE his mind lose its grip on the thought he was in the middle of speaking. You can see the panic, the reaching for it, but it is gone. As someone pointed out, Trump is the cruelest of men, but he pulled his punches. He could see that he didn't need to do anything, he was already imploding.
In the restaurant, think back to how it was when Obama would visit, or even how it was when Biden would visit four years ago. Usually the candidate is in the lead, walks up to the counter, banters with the staff, talks to lots of people, POTUS staff fade into the background. He needed help to focus.
He needed a staffer on one side and Jill on the other, to make sure that he made it to the counter for the symbolic food purchase that's usually such a delight of campaigning. He looked dazed and it was very awkward, and so quiet that a reporter could easily shout a question and be heard.
When asked how he thought he did he said it's very hard to debate a liar, a one-liner that anyone could have told him to say on the way over there. He didn't add anything to it, or extemporaneously talk about any of his campaign issues. He was barely making it through and everyone could tell.
It seems almost certain that the reporting from White House staff that he is only reliably lucid from 10 to 4 is true. Otherwise he would prove that he can be alert at night. It's going into the fifth day. We just had a major catastrophe, he spoke five minutes and said go vote.
I'm sorry but it's just Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is not that cold medicine suddenly caused an episode that looks just like sundowning in cognitive decline. The simplest explanation is that the POTUS became incapacitated but racists around him don't want the VP to take over for him.
As someone who had to care for a parent with cognitive decline, I would be very cautious of making a diagnosis based on 90 minutes of video. The "sundowning" claim was made in 2020 by leftists who just hated Biden.
I also rejected the Reagan "senility" narrative in the late 80s. Reagan lost interest when he was a lame duck & the Iran-Contra scandal was swirling. Idk if you have access to someone offline with expertise who isn't already biased, but they will explain Biden is not sundowning.
Let's say he's experiencing regular increases in cognitive decline in the evening hours, then.
Basing that on a debate where he clearly gained steam as it got later makes that a dubious claim. I'm not arguing that maybe Biden's slowing synapses (never the best) may be an issue. The sundowning thing is not at all supported even now. Take a long hard look at whoever suggested it to you.
My eyes. My eyes saw him not okay, and then the next day I was told, no, he's fine, look, and he was reading a script at 11AM. And I said oh that is what it looks like when people sundown in early cognitive decline.
This isn't going to go away because he is actually sick.
Someone obviously set up this whole deal to expose that he is sick.