
EUROPEAN ROBIN: a precious feather baby, a ruddy sky dumpling, a good friend, will help you find your keys, full of ice cream AMERICAN ROBIN: big, often wet, surly, has your wallet, killed a rat underneath the bird feeder to make an example to the other animals
You do realize that that adorable little thing there will viciously attack your laundry if it happens to be the same color as another robin's breast, right? European robins are not precious feather babies. They are assholes.
100% true. They are territorial little assholes who are grumpy AF over any encroachment on THEIR patch. To a ridiculous degree.
I grew up with these little miscreants. Are they utterly adorable? Yes. Are they also fully cognizant of the fact that they are, in fact, dinosaurs? Absolutely.
We always have one in our garden in Scotland. We call them Highlander birds (there can be only one). I’m amazed they manage to reproduce!
Right. Unlike most territorial birds, the males will attack the females and the females the males unless they're really horny!
But before they attack they have sing offs, loud, long battles of song. Our old allotment was the border line between two robin territories and we got to hear the full song battles every time we were there.
I feel like we need to explore the fact that Chuck is defending his territory, almost as if Bluesky were a window containing a strange bird that is always there when he looks, always chirping,chirping, chirping
Yup. Super aggro. They're a basketball's volume of fight crammed into a ping-pong ball.
Sounds like a Cardinal, too. I've had one of those little fuckers decide to divebomb me.
Blue jays. I’ve been trying to make friends with the local crows for years, turns out the blue jays have been ganging up on them and running them off. Loudly. In packs.