
There are a few case studies on the fatigue, muscle, and joint pain that these meds can cause. Though it seems rare. Wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
After months of negative tests, my rheumatologist said we should try stopping my adderall for two weeks to see if that helps… I’m horrified to report it does. Working brain or working body, this is the choice I have to make every day.
Okay this is a little oblique, but I had so many problems with my knee and seemingly small muscle injuries that took ages to heal when I was on some meds that for some reason acted as stimulants for me (quetiapine). (I was also exhausted a lot but I blame that on its strong antihistaminic effects.)
It felt like my body was constantly in GOGOGO mode, so my post-hoc explanation is that there was just too much adrenaline going on in my body and it never really went into recovery mode
Funnily enough, I just checked, and Quetiapine, just like Adderall, increases adrenergic and dopaminergic activity (among other things). So I guess my experience is more to the point than I thought
That’s wild! I had no idea this was a side effect. When I told my primary care doctor she was blown away. We have been doing tests for almost a year. She said she never heard of that as a side effect…. Wild to me
Nobody told me about this stuff either! Good luck figuring out a good middle way between body annoying and brain annoying 😬 solidarity hugs!
Thank you!!! I said well can I take it sometimes? lol I’m not sure