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Video game addict, rock music nerd, action movie enjoyer, would-be writer, fairly frequent podcaster, and LGBTQIA positive.
Sales of Armored Core VI hit three million plus total. That's great, but having only played the first one still, I hope this somehow leads to past games in the series getting modern marketplace re-releases. And I need to jot down which ones are worth playing and which are skippable.
... dammit, you can't edit posts here, right? I said "fighting games" but I only said one. But yeah, nothing else really scratched the itch that KI did since SF4 brought in the second era of the genre. At least the new Melty Blood gave us a slew of Funni Kitti sprites. So that's nice.
I think the last fighting games I truly loved was the new Killer Instinct. Nothing's really hit that spark since then. Maybe I'm just short-term jaded, or maybe I should just start my "Virtual Caveman" journey by cutting off the rest of the fighting game genre going forward. I dunno yet.
Anyone else jaded about the state of fighting games today, or am I just a bitter crankshaft? Write in.
KoF XV's getting Mature and Vice. Meh. SF6 trailer for Terry Bogard just dropped. Meh. EVO's 3S tournament ended with yet another Yun-Li at the grand finals. Meeeeeehhhhhh. I think I'm officially getting tired of fighters for now. The sine wave is approaching the nadir.
Guilty Gear gets a guest character from Cyberpunk. Anyone else remember Sheep in the Big City? Probably not, but there was this one guy in an episode who kept saying "Everybody's doing it!" repeatedly. That's how I feel about every mainline fighting game's need to cram in a crossover somewhere
"Somehow, Heihachi returned." Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Okay, so, I took another hiatus after making like two or three posts after the last time I said I was coming out of hiatus. But bsky isn't depressing the fuck out of me right now, so I guess I can use it for the time being. For what, I don't know. Maybe to ramble about the state of fighting games.
Been hearing that even some Souls veterans think Shadow of the Erdtree is a bridge too far. Honestly, throwing myself at Rellana for more than two hours before finally squeaking out a victory feels like business as usual to me. Still, I say there's no shame in using spirit ashes and/or summons!
Well, guess I'm back on here after a total break. Probably won't be using it super-frequently but I guess I get nothing out of being a total stranger. I just wish I had more productive ideas for this account. *scratches butt* *burps* Better make the most of it.
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:dons librarian hat: Digital preservation is more expensive than preserving paper; it takes more staff, active attention, and consistent computing resources. Libraries have discussed “digital dark age” since the 1990s. Corp archives often 1st to go b/c suits haven’t figured out how to profit.
One of the interesting things about the Internet is that we’re actually living through a dark age. Future historians are unlikely to have records of this period. Paper and ink last. Digital storage, less so.
Comedy Central’s Website Purges 25 Years of Video Clips and Other The vast repository of content on Comedy Central's website has been removed by Paramount Global, in a move to push fans to Paramount+.
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If anyone gives enough of a toot to reach me on Cohost, here's the link: So that's something, but BS just isn't doing it for me currently. I'm sorry if this disappoints anyone. Just be good to yourself and try not to let the weight of everything crush you. Take care.
Sotenga on Saikyosis
I'm not going to say I'm leaving Bluesky forever, but I will at least say that my presence here will be severely reduced for an unknown amount of time. I was never much of a social media guy to begin with anyway, so it's no real problem for me. Still, that said, I am keeping a Cohost page going.
Hey all, I tried to keep up with Bluesky for as long as I could, but after just under four months, I don't think I can take anymore for now. It's just depressing the fuck out of me to use and I need to put my own mental well-being above all else, especially during this brutally bullshit year.
I'm sorry to doompost, it's just... the cheapest item on the dollar menu today is three fucking dollars. Inflation's getting to be like this image from near the end of Daffy Duck's "The Scarlet Pumpernickel."
Today feels like a day where everyone's realizing that everything is much worse now than it used to be. And by "used to be," I don't JUST mean "back when we were all growing up," but also "even worse than just a few goddamn years ago." The future is looking worse than bleak. It's looking... void.
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RIP Geoff Follin. My sympathies to Tim and the Follin family. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer. Fuck cancer.
Been enjoying Broken Sword so far, though I'm already slightly unsure where to go next now that I've reached Ireland. I gotta do something with the nervous Hank Hill-looking fella in the bar, that much is clear... hmm.
Man, there's not a hell of a lot of games this year that really appeal to me, at least compared to like the past seven-or-so years prior. And it feels like making it a "backlog year" is stressful because I get choice paralysis trying to think about what I haven't beaten yet. Any suggestions?
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Everyone hates this game because it's bad, but you could make a good game out of it. I think about that a lot - bad but finished games, especially of this era, are like 3 months from being really good games.
I don't want to be a jerk, I know life just keeps getting worse. I just... would like it to... not do that. For everyone who wasn't born into a trust fund.
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Alright, back to Bluesky after a week's break. Don't depress me, website.
Hot Take: Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite deserved better. I'm at least glad I'm know of at least one group who's playing it in 2024 and finding the upsides of what it was, even though I'm stuck lamenting about what could have been.