
something of the "yes biden is bad but trump would be even worse for gaza-" that i keep noticing is they have no ability to conceive of what will even be left of gaza if this goes on till november and i feel this comes out of still operating by the same 10/7 beliefs of "this'll last a couple weeks"
feels like there's this constant unspoken, unconscious feeling of "it'll stop any minute now. it has to. it didn't go on this long before. it has to stop soon, somehow, it just will, and we just need to shore up confidence with biden for when it finally suddenly stops and we can pivot"
types who are against pressuring for a ceasefire not because they're actually against a ceasefire but because they figure that the ceasefire will just *happen*, and it'll happen soon, and joining in pressuring democrats to do it in the first place will jeopardize november
anyway lots of thoughts of how no amount of post-desert storm lessons of "this'll be quick, like desert storm was" not turning out to be true, they still don't learn it not believing in something because of evidence, but because they want to believe it, need to believe it.
I think a good tactic to get people to the polls in the nationals is just making people aware of the absolute fuckers trying to stealth by on the ballot at the local level. Learn about the local fuckers because Dear God most people don't vet them and some are absolute monsters.
yet another "hey imagine if national dems spent a fraction of their war chests on the Boring But Important shit" example for me
i wonder all the time where dems would be know if they hadn't dismantled OFA and ethered ACORN. constantly making themselves play on hard mode
Every time Dems do something like spend $11.2 million in a primary to ensure the race for Feinstein's seat was D vs. R instead of D vs. D, I can't help but think how many full time organizers or voting day busses that money could buy.
Shades of 2003 all over again...
Like there’s a real incentive for Biden to try to get a ceasefire now because otherwise this crisis is going to really fuck up the agenda for his second term
they keep talking about this shit as if it hasn't been going on for months in the first place and the end of it is right around the corner.
Like it’s the great question, what exactly is Biden going to with a second term? I don’t know and I don’t think they know either.
Most likely scenario we get a few more years of Biden as a Lame Duck with an obstructionist republican congress that limps along until nature takes its course and Biden lies in state in the Rotunda.
they're on "we'll codify roe!" which has the "uh-huh. are you *really*. who's going to bitch out and go 'okay i support it in THEORY, but THIS bill is-' even if we give you a majority this time" problem and the "okay so what's the plan when SCOTUS overturns it *again*."
"surely you're not just going to let dick durbin sit there and beg roberts to please make the court be nice to dems with entirely the leverage of We'll Be Your Best Friend to get it to happen, right"
the biden second term plan: maybe alito and thomas get on a boeing plane, idk
Literally!! I don't know how people keep throwing accelerationist accusations when the obvious point is that *it might be too late by then*
it's one thing to be "that's so horrifying i am actively avoiding thinking about it" but i think for a lot of people it might've never actually occurred to them "oh, wait, shit. gaza might just be straight up gone by then."
it's not intentional, it's not even conscious, but there really is this air of like. "gaza will just respawn like a video game, right" in all these discussions
i had an old supervisor who told her students straight up "biden's a crook" and she's only gotten more right. it's hard for some to digest that a modern country would pursue genocide, and i wonder if that's what makes USians believe that it still follows (basically fake) intl standards for war
on top of the "america is necessarily good" mindset, there's also the problem of the specific liberal need to see themselves as actually the furthest left/most progressive in any environment and anything that interrupts this belief fries the brain