
that Little Witches lady has really had a journey from the far simpler bad takes of "the Internet Archive is a real, serious threat to artists and writers livelihoods", huh
comics people worried about piracy far more than how their publishers treat them really have so much batshit weird stuff underneath that
remembering when a published comics author told me that the companies would treat/pay them better if the pirates weren't there, reading them for free, and it makes one wonder if they think jack kirby published the lion's share of his work in 2009
It's genuinely hilarious to me how long you've been on this comicbooks grind, to the point that you even stopped talking about it because of how little progress it made. And it is STILL GOING ON. Just... What an industry.
Once I saw a comic artist in an anti-piracy rant talk positively about how as a kid he used the lunch/bus money his parents gave him to buy comics instead. He felt that a child skipping meals and stealing from their parents was more ethical than going to ReadComicOnline.
one of the things that always especially fucks me up about this is buying off the rack doesn't even help comic creators, by and large. it helps the comic shop. which is good, but "actually helping the artists and writers be successful" depends primarily on months in advance preorders.
you made yourself skip meals and the money doesn't even get back to the comic creators. most of them also get little to no royalties, even if a movie is made on their characters. such a bizarre focus compared to what impact it actually has on their financials.
Ofc the manga industry has its problems but reading Bakuman was so enlightening at how bad a deal American comics people have. ~$0.40 per manga volume means if you're a middling Shonen Jump author you could be a millionaire within a few years on royalties alone. Plus you own the IP and get a cut
from every licensing deal. Being a middling DC or Marvel author means you own nothing and are probably preciously middle class at best.
Is this the one who was dropped by Oni Press for low sales and also tried to blame it on them hating her work cuz she's Jewish? Cuz between her Xwitter TL & describing herself as "neurospicy", that would track.