
seeing the links between the NYPD and hochul flipping off congestion pricing and y'know it isn't great that the level of personal security you need to be able to oppose the police on even traffic pricing is 'your own secret service detail'
all questions of morality and electoralism aside: it'd be good to have a dem president that wanted to get serious about cracking down on cops because that is one of the few political positions that has both the power to do so and the personal security to do it without dying in a ditch in 7 days
every dem political official from city council member to even state governor is (justifiably!) afraid of their local police, if they aren't themselves fully on board with them. a president is one of the few people with the power and safety to do something about it. unfortunately: ours is joe biden
for the success and even simple physical safety of members of the party there, a dem president should be allll the way in on cracking down on the cops. like, clearing out and replacing the top level of the FBI and having 24/7 investigations on every major police force/union regardless of headlines
it should be considered a major problem that they need to deal with from the top down, should've been dealing with years ago, that every elected official of their party is susceptible to being threatened into compliance by their local cops. unfortunately: our prez is joe biden.
people talk about what slogan might win or lose voters but that isn't what's stopping getting cops in line. the truth is you basically need elliot ness shit cracking down on them to make even the most paltry reforms actually stick. they really are organized gangs, and should be treated like it.
"if you just hadn't said defund, maybe reform or demilitarize instead-" they arrested and doxxed the daughter of bill de blasio while he was the mayor of NYC. a slogan isn't your problem and whether voters like cops or not isn't the core impediment to doing something about them.
What we need are people in office who aren't afraid.