
'is my energy total shit and my head empty because of depression, because i haven't eaten enough, or have i contracted covid, or perhaps something else entirely' is a fun process of elimination
you get enough brain and body problems and then every time something's wrong you have to run down a long tedious checklist like you're clearing out a gacha daily
early results say 'eat more, dipshit' but we'll see how it pans out
been still pretty brainfogged, with ups and downs. if i've had covid this whole time i'm gonna be pissed. thank god i mask everywhere, at least
carefully noting how my throat feels, mostly. this shit fucking sucks regardless!
more i think about it with just how fucking tired and unable to think clearly i've been, it almost certainly is covid even if i have had zero cough, huh. asssssssssssssssssssss