
ultimately in a place where people feel "we are in extreme crises that require real action and for dems to truly recognize the courts and the GOP as an enemy", the emails we get go "that's right we're fucked! so give us $20" and the leadership the emails are for go "actually everything's fine"
an extremely low ask of the president is "stop praising mitch mcconnell" and that he has never managed to get over this bar also a good indicator of how serious dem leadership actually takes the GOP as a problem they have to deal with
even literal multiple attempts on their lives have not gotten dem leadership to drop this. it's fucking batshit.
saw someone once put it as "i cannot be expected to care more about nancy pelosi's life than she does". forget push them left, we can't even get these motherfuckers to have a survival instinct
just here to echo "these motherfuckers"
I hope everyone trying to convince us to vote for the guy who wants a strong Republican party this November realizes that doesn't solve the problem and there is still a lot of work to do after November. The last time this happened they were all back at brunch a few months later.