Jen Spindel

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Jen Spindel

🎓 political scientist
🎀 breast cancer survivor
😺 cat person
👽sci-fi dork

Follow for cat pics, hot takes on sci-fi, and occasional international security and foreign policy posts.
Out now in Foreign Affairs: How Ukraine Can Do More With Less. Keith Carter, Matt McClary, and I explore the possibility of an asymmetric war of exhaustion as a new strategy for Ukraine.
How Ukraine Can Do More With A military strategy to outlast Russia.
Happy Friday, from Poz the cat
Shameless self-promotion: Vote for me to be an officer in ISA's Foreign Policy Analysis section. Interested in bringing qual and mixed-methods voices in, and finding ways to make ISA more accessible given financial crises faced by most universities.
This chonk has outgrown his cat harness and now has to use a puppy harness...
🚨 New article🚨 Huge thanks to the editors and reviewers at Economics of Peace & Security for helping me refine my thoughts on defense offsets and the arms trade.
Defense offsets and political leverage | The Economics of Peace and Security Journal
Cyber day in POLT 562 (national security policy). Always fun to ask the students how the internet works. And then they're always entertained to see my version of the internet :)
All these April Fool's "Jokes" on the internet can stop! Already received notices about new road construction and building downtown that were jokes!! Argh. Hate this day.
She did it!! My sister ran the NYC half marathon today. Now to look ahead to the NYC marathon in November. Can't wait to be there to cheer her on!
Nuclear Negotiation Simulation in strategy & national security class today. After a week talking about how to make nuclear weapons & US nonpro strategy, we jump to the Star Trek universe to see if the students (representing Federation Planets) can stop the Borg from developing nukes! #polisky
Thankful for my (too short) trip PCON alumni panel. Headed into the week feeling energized and excited! Thrilled to have seen the one and only, and Xan Karn, Jacob Mundy, Susan Thompson and Karen Harpp. Amazing and wonderful humans 😊
Had an amazing trip to Colgate this weekend -- highlight included seeing the amazing!
Any day you get to see is a good day!
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Excited to share the latest from me,, and in TNSR which centers on a novel survey of retired flag officers and features a framework to assess the state of the norm against retired officer political activism. (1/2)
Sending some positive vibes into the Sky: my grad student is excellent! Works incredibly hard, takes feedback well, & wants to learn. Been a ton of fun to work with him. This time of year we often complain about students - am trying to deliberately take opportunities to celebrate good things!
Trying new to help with lymphadema. The cat couldn't stop himself from *helping* too 😺😺
Jimmy Fund Walk (10k this year) in the books!! Honored to be featured as a walk Hero this year, and so thankful for the support of my family walking with me. Still dealing with lymphadema (swelling) in my arm, but am hopeful that $ raised will help find better treatments in the future!
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I know most of yall don't really need reminders, but this Lauren Boebert thing really is a concrete example that when they call us perverts and deviants, what they've always meant is that they'll happily kill us for things they think they're absolutely entitled to do, but nobody should talk about.
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I talked to EuroNews about the UK's precedent-setting decision to list the Wagner Group as a terrorist organization. In a nutshell: “The Wagner Group is a horrible organisation that has done horrible things, but we can recognise that without expanding the UK government’s ability to cause harm.”
What changes with the UK labelling Wagner a ‘terrorist’ group? Experts are doubtful that the labelling would have a strong impact on Wagner - though they agree on the political and cultural importance of the UK’s decision.
Honored to be featured as a Walk Hero for the 2023 Jimmy Fund walk to defy cancer!
Hey could you add me to polisky when you get a chance? Thanks!
Did you know this cat has never, ever had breakfast? Or so he'd like you to believe.... Poz the cat making his blue sky debut, trying to con you into feeding him second breakfast
Drop something blue from your gallery! Moraine Lake a few weeks ago
Drop something blue from your gallery. (From two weeks ago)
End of feed.