Colin Brown

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Colin Brown

Poli Sci Associate Teaching Professor at Northeastern: migration, representation, parties, Europe (esp. NL), pedagogy & SoTL. Co-editor: Political Science Educator. Chaotic Neutral. Oregonian, originally.
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I know this isn't the place for happy news but I'm starting another five-week travel course on Dutch politics, migration and diversity with my Northeastern students today, and I still can't fully believe that I get a whole month+ of my literal dream job as part of my normal job every year.
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Excited to share our new paper “Representation at Risk: Evaluating Levels and Consequences of Violence against Immigrant-Background Politicians”, accepted at APSR! Co-authored with Available at:
❌ (picnic, lightning) ✅ So, what happened to my mom is she was at a picnic,
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
I was ok with constitutional monarchy but we can't get into the kid's museum this morning because the Emperor of Japan is there, no choice but to go full republican.
But how did people ever get free drinking water before smartphones?
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Absolute, genuine love for this film that is as bad as you've heard but yet also legitimately great.
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️ [Stardust]
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [SONG] (HD) Subscribe to SHOUTFACTORY: Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Sit back and let the evening go with Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the 1978 musical spectacular featuring stunning reinterpretations of over twenty classic Beatles songs! The one and only Billy Shears (multi-platinum recording artist Peter Frampton) and his best friends the Hendersons (Rock and Roll Hall of Famers The Bee Gees) are four young men from the quaint little town of Heartland. With superstardom calling, this fabulous foursome leaves Heartland – and Billy's beloved Strawberry Fields (Sandy Farina) – vulnerable to mean Mr. Mustard, who steals Sgt. Pepper's magical instruments for a fiendish, "evil force that would poison young minds, pollute the environment, and subvert the democratic process." It's up to our heroes to save everything they hold dear with the power of music, kindness, and heart. Buy this title: SHOUT! FACTORY has devoted itself to the higher pursuit of pop culture for the past 10 years. During that time, we've released some of TV's most beloved gems, such as Freaks And Geeks, My So-Called Life, Sports Night, MadTV and Mystery Science Theater. We've also reintroduced some of television's most adored personalities with collections featuring Dick Cavett, Tom Snyder, Jack Paar, Johnny Carson, Mel Brooks, Groucho Marx and Elvira, Mistress of the Night..
Did not watch Scotland versus Switzerland today, having inherited the trauma of that internecine theological conflict over several generations.
While I truly love döner, possibly the greatest modern food, I do not love how it is increasingly the most accurate climate model for our planet.
Breaking: To counter the expected heat wave later this week, scientists recommend moving the earth slightly further away from the sun.
3 year old: "Who played Princess Elsa?" Me: "Idina Menzel, she was in Enchanted, too." 3yo: "Where does she live?" Me: "New York, I think." 3yo: "Oh. What is on her placemat?" Me: ??? 3yo: "On the back of her car" Me: "Are you asking what state her license plate is? 3yo: "YEAH!"
Reposted byAvatar Colin Brown
Also, if you take a short range KLM CityHopper flight there is a small chance your pilot will be the King of the Netherlands. But that seems less practical than my original fact.
Learning looks like a network graph, not a line. Learning related but different things is generally easier than learning random facts *but also* easier than learning things in a clear sequential process.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Make a band less mild Yup They're Definitely Giants
Make a band less mild No Air Supply
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At UNESCO headquarters they have a game where you are supposed to take the flags off the flagpoles and place them on the blank globe where they belong but I guess I wasn’t putting them in the right place because when I tried to play they yelled at me
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Reposted byAvatar Colin Brown
I am teaching campaigns & elections for the first time since 2016. What are some great readings I can assign to undergrads? Shameless self-promotion is strongly encouraged. #polisky
I have some thoughts on this forthcoming (hopefully); it is also viewed as non-partisan which will last right up to the second someone actually tries to implement it.
Mandatory national service is a bad idea (that in addition to being bad on the merits would be hideously unpopular) and I can't believe any left of center person is contemplating supporting any version of it in the United States
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Make a movie milder: The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of the Grammy Award-winning Singer Sade
Make a Move Milder: Low-Cost Food for the Moderately Wealthy