
I finally decided to start The Boys. I'm only on the second episode and this show is... not subtle. How did anyone watch any amount of this show and come away thinking Homelander is a hero.
I like this reading of it
I'm a truther about people “discovering” that Homelander is a baddie. I think it's a marketing false flag sparked by the show runners and left wing folks gleefully shared it because it reinforces the notion that people who disagree with us are deeply stupid. Not a good look for us.
Yeah I get thinking that the lead actor is very charming because he is but he also literally murders a child in the first episode so like...
The thing is, I don't think they thought Homelander was the hero. What they didn't get and are only now realizing is that the bad guys aren't just racists and maybe accidental Nazis but explicitly MAGA.
I could be wrong but I definitely think there was a liiiittle more distance previously that is now gone.
I think that’s right - the show’s politics have never been subtle but i don’t remember it being made so explicit, for instance, that the heritage foundation (not even a stand-in, they get named directly) is involved in a coup.
To be clear I think it’s funny that someone would be surprised at the show’s politics by the 4th season lol but it _is_ more direct now. Lots of references to real world stuff (it’s better for it, too, imo)
Given how much of being a right wing culture warrior is based on acting like an eternal victim in order to give yourself something to shout about I'd lean more towards them flat out lying for clicks than I would a 3d chess marketing strategy.
Clown people dude. It only gets less subtle, too. There's a couple seasons where you have to be pretty online to understand it's sending up maga folks but in the latest season they've heightened it even further because apparently not subtle was still too subtle.