
Life annoyance: my fridge is going up. Just bought groceries on Sunday and have leftovers of half a pork shoulder still in there. And a packed freezer. Drat
Long shot but perhaps just not defrosting properly? Happened to my old one whenever it would get really hot. Ice accumulates and no cold air can get into the fridge (but freezer would be cold).
Yeah I think that's what's happening based on the evidence. The maintenance people won't be here until the morning though so the stuff in the fridge might be toast by then. Of course a lot of it is produce which isn't going to spoil that quickly but it'll depend on when they can get it fixed I guess
The thing that is maddening is that it's making this beeping noise every minute and driving me insane lol
Annoying! I got really good at taking the inner back panel off and using a hairdryer to defrost it.