Charm City Slicker (54-31)

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Charm City Slicker (54-31)

riding your local bus to the baseball stadium and movie theater
O's win, Grayson Rodriguez is 10-3. If that ain't an all star idk what is
Dashiell Hammett really was operating on the porn star naming formula level: "What should I call this detective? He's an Op, but needs more. What's the name of that building I worked in 5 years ago? Ah right The Continental. I seem to recall there were metal bird statues above the door...falcons?"
You could follow in the footsteps of another Baltimore Pinkerton, Dashiell Hammett: quit when they ask you to break a strike, become a writer, and name your two most famous literary properties after features of a building on Calvert Street
What I see as the anti-voting switcheroo: find someone who is saying that the outcome of elections can make things drastically worse, then mock them for "believing in electoralism," even though the issue at play is avoiding negatives rather than gaining positives, two vastly different things
Feels great to live in a country where voters might agree to end democracy because their grandchildren "have pronouns" and Burger King employees got a raise
Life annoyance: my fridge is going up. Just bought groceries on Sunday and have leftovers of half a pork shoulder still in there. And a packed freezer. Drat
after a long day at work it is time to wind down and sleep peacefully* *eat a bag of tortilla chips and scroll my phone until 1 AM
In 2016, 6% of Virginians voted 3rd party and Clinton still won it by over 5 points. Biden won it by over 10 in 2020. I understand that Biden is unpopular but rank partisanship alone means he's not losing Virginia. The polls seem so broken right now
It would be a lot harder to be a poll truther if they would simply reflect a recognizable reality
damn I just remembered the O's are in Seattle this week and the games won't start until 21:40 and 22:10 in real people time
the conservative theory of law in one headline
Klay Thompson is underrated on the list of worst goatees of all time
Very interesting to me that only 38% of White Biden supporters believe that the legacy of slavery still impacts Black people today and only 35% believe in White privilege
This was 4 years ago and 81% of Americans surveyed for Pew's American Trends Panel indicated that they do not answer the phone for calls from numbers they don't know. On the one hand polling hasn't seemed completely broken the past few cycles but on the other hand how can it really still work idk
I think people are overreading that Jim Clyburn quote
One underdiscussed pro for Harris as the nominee is that Barack Obama would ruin his marriage by campaigning for her so hard
Obama Calls Californian Kamala Harris 'Best Looking' Attorney
Every time I bike to the office I rediscover that if the person who designed the bike lane interchange between the Brooklyn Bridge and FiDi was a traffic engineer, they would have fired them
To revisit this, as points out, I voted for Joe Biden's successor and so did 81 million others. I don't even like Kamala Harris, but what I like less is apparatchiks choosing for me with a papal conclave while the gender reveal blue steams from the roof of the United Center.
"[Vice President Kamala Harris] is literally beneath mention for most of them, for reasons they didn't even feel the need to articulate."
Who Elected the Times Editorial Board? Indignity Vol. 4, No. 109
Anti-Bernie Dems in 2016 and 2020 would always go like "oh exactly HOW will you do all this stuff" and to me that was never the point - I believed Bernie would keep pushing on every lever he could reach trying to get us to those goals and I didn't believe Clinton or Biden would.
Roberts once again showing his perspicacity by claiming there’s nothing to fear from a President with virtually unbounded extralegal authority the same day Trump threatens military show trials for his political opponents.
"[Vice President Kamala Harris] is literally beneath mention for most of them, for reasons they didn't even feel the need to articulate."
Who Elected the Times Editorial Board? Indignity Vol. 4, No. 109
The net approval rating of the Supreme Court is -17.3 in the 538 polling average. The President's is -18.7. Congress' is -48.6. It's difficult to see how a country can continue to operate with all 3 branches of its government being deeply unpopular with the public.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
Robert Culp is probably the best frequent Columbo guest star. He is so good at playing the killer
Homicides in Baltimore are down 36% and nonfatal shootings are down 30% year over year through June. In 2022 there were 334 murders for the year, in 2023 there were 263 (one was added after year-end), through the first half of the year 2024 there have been... 89
Kind of astounding that even the ostensible business republicans like Roberts do not understand or probably more likely do not care that markets rely on the rule of law.
Not with a bang but a whimper. Fitting that the republic ends with a Watergate Baby being couped
The United States has always been a democracy for some and a brutal authoritarian regime for others, and the effort to expand it to democracy for all has led to a 70+ year backlash culminating in SCOTUS claiming that kings are totes cool and also judges are the ones to coronate them