
Still puzzled by the NYT/Siena poll that has Biden and Trump tied among people who voted in 2020 but Trump leading 2 to 1 among people who didn't - keeping in mind that 2020 was the highest turnout election (% of voting eligible populace) since 1900 when women couldn't vote and Jim Crow was law
Polling industrial complex fraying at the seams while it jumps through hoops to keep the public mystified. The smoke makes us cough and the mirror is cracked and dirty.
I think that's also the one finding Trump winning the youth vote and Hispanic vote outright. Continue to see no attempt to grapple with the idea that there's just a secret realignment happening (the largest maybe ever in sucha short time) with no evidence from the last four years of elections
i wonder how much it reflects people switching to non voter rather than switching from one preference to another