
It’s the way people *refuse* to actually voice why they’re quite certain Kamala is a non-starter that really gets me. I know why I’m not a fan, former prosecutor-reliable centrist (derogatory)-convoluted and ultimately useless economic policy, but that’s a *lot* of people’s whole jam, until now.
Like if you were an Eric Adams booster, a Val Demings booster, a Ridin’ with Biden booster, what exactly is it about Kamala you find totally unacceptable as a Presidential candidate?
I didn't boost any of them and for the same reasons why, I won't boost the queen bee of the K-Hive. Talk to me when she stops licking boots.
She was claiming Joe Biden sexually assaulted someone and then never said another word about it when she got the VP nod out of nowhere. The video of her laughing about arresting single parents told me enough about her character. "Not as bad as Trump" shouldn't be the bar.