Scott Stein

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Scott Stein

Latest novel: THE GREAT AMERICAN BETRAYAL "Best Comedy Books of 2022" —Vulture

English professor, novelist, satirist, father, husband, dog owner, gardener, liker of good beer
The shirt is for today’s holiday. Saving the beer for Election Day.
Yesterday was Franz Kafka's birthday. I hope you celebrated by not eating cake.
This week, my "Superheroes in America" students are reading Action Comics #1. Some of them have never read a comic book before.
Those who do any #gardening might know this, but just in case: after your #daylily finishes blooming, it will bloom again if you -cut the stems close to the base -remove some/most of the brown, dead leaves -water it regularly Mine have #flowers again and again through summer and into fall.
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Neither of these choices will end well.
Happy birthday to Franz Kafka
Neither of these choices will end well.
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Just got back to the United States. Haven’t been following the news, but I assume everything is still going great here.
Just got back to the United States. Haven’t been following the news, but I assume everything is still going great here.
This mezcal bar in Mexico almost makes it possible for me to not worry about [gestures at everything]
Set the auto away response on my work email. Might check in on Bluesky here and there because I can’t quit the banter, but I hope I won’t have my phone in my hand that much over the next week. Or maybe I’ll use it to post pics of tequila. 🏖️
You know it’s going to be a relaxing vacation when your don’t-forget-to-pack list includes: Passport Snorkel/mask Paperback novels Ping pong paddle
It's the first day of my summer Writing Humor and Comedy class. I hope some of these students are funny, but I'll settle for pleasant and awake. #teaching
AI bringing all art to the level of Star Wars prequels
The AI trend of “we took this art and expanded it beyond the artist’s intent because *more* of a thing means better” - showing what’s “out of frame” in a shot from a movie, or turning a six word short story into a novella - speaks to what art actually is: knowing what isn’t necessary.
People who say a movie or book has not aged well should look in the mirror.
"I brought wit to sprinkle on all the guests." "I asked for a casserole, Rebecca."
The New York Times piece on how to do a good party is every bit as horrifying as you expect if you hate parties and, increasingly, the New York Times
It's the first day of the academic quarter, so I'm busy herding cats.
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Summer quarter starts on Monday. I am teaching: -Superheroes in America (undergrad online honors course) -Writing Humor and Comedy (undergrad) -Story Building (piloting this new MFA course with -Internship in Publishing (undergrad)
I’ve picked a couple of novels to take on vacation to Mexico: Ubik by Philip K. Dick and The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien. If I’m confused while reading, it might not necessarily be because of the tequila. #books #novels
I was outside for three minutes today and that's quite enough.
Saw the band Dada last night at the World Cafe Live in Philly. Most of the attendees were, like me, of a certain age. Dada sounded great and it was fun until the very end when I had a minor embarrassing incident from standing too long. Is it considered fainting if you don't lose consciousness?
Just felt a breeze so now outside is a convection oven.
Going to Mexico next week just to get a break from the Philadelphia-area heat.
Baby bird sleeping in backyard birdhouse.