Stacey Berg

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Stacey Berg

Democracy, science, writing, and whatever else is on my mind. Author of SF novels DISSENSION & REGENERATION. Opinions my own. She/her.
Mark Cavendish comparing the “what’s next” feeling of breaking the Tour de France all time stage wins record with how he felt when he finished Final Fantasy XI on PlayStation is oddly touching.
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of “Beverly Hills Cop” I would like to thank Eddie Murphy for gifting me with “I am not listening to Jeffrey,” a line matched for usefulness only by “I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Eddie Murphy - Beverly Hills Cop: I'm Not Listening To You Eddie Murphy - Beverly Hills Cop: I'm Not Listening To You #shorts Hey Eddie Murphy Fans! The Eddie Murphy Comedy channel provides you with the funniest Eddi...
Best letter to editor award goes to one Britt D. Davis, who writes to “I am a fully sentient 91-year-old great-grandfather & as in a Monty Python skit, in response to calls for President Joe Biden to step down from the presidential race, I fart in your general direction.”
I know all these SCOTUS rulings are horrible. I can vaguely imagine, though, a future where Congress actually does its job. Write a frigging law to address air pollution. Pass immigration reform. Impeach an insurrectionist president. I know it’s a fantasy, but it’s their actual job.
Going from informed to obsessed in one easy click.
Wake up and smell the parsley
Texas: see a green space, pave it over.
“We are all causalities.” Could someone please use this felicitous typo from my local paper as the title of a science fiction anthology right away?
Question about how works: in my feeds, I often see 2 linked posts, the first of which is a reply to some other post, and the second of which is a reply to the reply. So I’m seeing a snippet of a thread- not the whole thread, and not an isolated reply. Can I change this in a user pref?
Today’s hot take: cryptocurrency is a non-thing of no actual value whose consumption of real resources endangers real people. If it were a Doctor Who story we’d call it a satire.
Seen those boom new color of Kohler commercials but you know I don’t want my plumbing to make me feel like I’m in the jungle.
Doctor Who “Devil’s Chord” vs “Vincent and the Doctor”: “Chord” has a great villain but not much heart in the genius artist subplot. “Vincent” has a really lousy villain but the genius artist subplot is all heart. Do you think you’ll remember “Chord” in 2038 the way you remember “Vincent”today?
Doctor Who hot take of the day: New Who would be better if every companion weren’t impossibly special.
Does anyone think we actually need a thunderstorm in Houston right now?
Never get involved in a land war in Asia. Never go in against a sicilian when death is on the line. And never ever try to make risotto in a cooking competition.
I have such a crush on Petra Mede now.
Estonian rap version of “When you’re a Jet you’re a Jet”? Too great!
Hazy IPA and blueberry Zotz is a rocking combo.
This place is well prepared in case vampires attack.
Noah Berlatsky’s insightful article on “Civil War” also shows challenges storytellers face: tell a big story from individual’s POV, you’re missing the big picture. Tell it big, you’re missing the human. Tell from your POV, you’re self centered. Tell from someone else’s POV, you’re appropriating.
Opinion: What ‘Civil War’ reveals about this troubling Hollywood tradition | Alex Garland’s new film, “Civil War,” not only critiques the current American political landscape, but subverts a long Hollywood tradition that centralizes American suffering in war films, writes Noah...
Not completely sure how this works
Dynamic pricing feels unfair because it does exactly what it’s supposed to: maximize the profit a seller can squeeze from a buyer at a given moment. In that setting there is no agreement on a “fair” price for the product or service.
Why ‘dynamic’ pricing feels like such a scam | CNN Your Uber costs more at 5 pm on a Tuesday than it does at 8 pm. Buying a plane ticket the day before you fly is more expensive than buying it six months early. These are surge pricing tactics so ingra...