
Hi All! Submissions are now open for the NZ Royal Commission Covid 19 Inquiry. Winston Peters is asking all his supporters to make submissions. They need sane people to make submissions too. So please, make a submission and share this link. Thank you.
Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19 - Citizen Find and participate in activities run by Royal Commission of Inquiry into COVID-19
Made a submission. In doing so, realised how lucky we were to have those in charge that we did. The noise from a minority is so loud, I hope history shows that while some aspects could have been better (when does that not happen??!) overall, we had a good response
So did I. Ugh. So many things could be learned from the response, but the way its all been framed it's pretty clear they're not looking for answers but scapegoats. F- I hate what Atlas is doing to our country. We should commission a study on how their propaganda f'd our response.
The legislation doesn't seem to be looking for scapegoats. See Schedule, Section 4. (sorry, it won't add a link card).
That seems a lot more sane than what was on the response form, which seems to be a little leading IMO.
If we think the questions are "leading" then we need to say so. People who have yet to respond, please note this and respond accordingly.
Agreed. I’m going to encourage anyone I know to give feedback
They're also looking to extend the scope of the enquiry. Is this a good thing?