Oliver - living in a Cult of Cuts (insert *)

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Oliver - living in a Cult of Cuts (insert *)


ngai Aotearoa ahau | Ōtautahi resident | Nearly retired | Was once an overland driver | Now a retail "human resource" | Not overly fond of our biased journos.
Born at 315 ppm.
He is, by far, the least strategic prime minister this country has ever had.
He dithers vaguely at home about not making any decisions, too early etc and then tells the US he's keen as. Involving us in a war between the US and China is a terrible idea. Neither of them share our values. www.rnz.co.nz/news/politic...
Luxon's 'radical change in NZ's foreign policy' criticised by Helen Clark and Don Brashwww.rnz.co.nz Former political rivals Helen Clark and Don Brash are warning the PM's statements on China may threaten NZ's independent foreign policy.
Has anyone done the maths on the cost difference between R3 and R4 insulation? That's all we're talking about. A couple of measly $000. Not the $40-50,000 he's been told. Idiot! Dismay at plan to revert to less strict insulation standards www.rnz.co.nz/news/nationa...
Dismay at plan to revert to less strict insulation standardswww.rnz.co.nz Reducing insulation standards could lead to more - and more affordable - houses being built, he says. Most experts advise against it.
Spokes supports the petition to ask the government to fund a critical connection to New Brighton and provide safe walking and cycling connections. Petition link in the comment below 👇
I can't believe JD Vance is going to assassinate Trump one day after he's inaugurated, claiming Vice-Presidential Immunity, and Trump is fine with it?
As an aside, a focus on planting to get to net zero leaves us all inhaling more pollution from transport emissions 🚓💨
New: The Government has somehow produced an Emissions Reduction Plan that will see New Zealand do *less* than its predecessor, including fail to meet the 2050 net zero target. newsroom.co.nz/2024/07/17/n...
NZ no longer on track for net zero under Govt's new climate plannewsroom.co.nz Tree-planting and carbon capture technologies are at the centre of the Government's new climate change plan.
Biggest concern I have with Trump’s inauguration speech is he accidentally takes the original Russian language text.
THIS is true. And not just in America. Hell, if you've got a strong stomach Google 'Brighton Grand Hotel bombing, 1984'. It is possible to be repulsed by it, feel deeply for the people horrifically injured or killed, and still loathe Thatcher and all her works.
The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems Trumpwww.theatlantic.com This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
This is such a polite OIA. Wish I could see more that are so informal but trying to help.
[Response] KiwiRail replied about Kaitaki Ferry Conversion Project Related to the KiwiRail Turnaround Plan
Well Simeon Brown your ideological, fact free policy on raising speed limits is a bust: The experts said no The evidence says no The public says no Auckland Council said no in an 18 to 3 vote
Large majority of Kiwis want slower speeds, despite Govt policy to raise themwww.nzherald.co.nz A survey by NZTA has found that Kiwis like the lower speeds the Government is changing.
Christopher Luxon seems remarkably relaxed about China continuing to buy our exports. Hope he’s right. Also, Chris Bishop needs to provide actual help to councils to get them on board with ‘Going for Housing Growth’, rather than just a set of instructions. thekaka.substack.com/p/the-kakas-...
The Kākā's Chorus for Tuesday July 16thekaka.substack.com Luxon very hawkish on China in FT interview, saying NZ military could be 'force multiplier' for AUKUS in strategic competition against China; Councils ramp up opposition to Bishop's housing plan
Sons of The Most Holy Redeemer is goneburger. "The leaders of a Catholic group in Christchurch have been defrocked and asked to leave the diocese following a Vatican investigation into alleged abuse and unauthorised exorcisms." www.thepress.co.nz/nz-news/3503...
The Presswww.thepress.co.nz
Another clear insight bought to us by Bernard Hickey from this piece. "The Western business press, confusing incentives with outcomes, lazily relies on stock markets to determine value creation." Thanks @bernardchickey.bsky.social asiatimes.com/2024/07/chin...
If I was in the media I would simply ask: "What do you mean you are unaware?" and follow it up with "Being aware is your job!" and then say/write it is unacceptable that PM/MPs remain UNAWARE of {the thing they should know} #NZPol
I had wild boar bacon pizza for dinner, courtesy of Moon Under Water, and I ate every last little bit. I am a pig.
Clicking 'like' as an Englishman who emigrated to NZ 😬
I was today years old when, while doing some research, I discovered this coin was designed by an Englishman who immigrated here 🤔
i've just sent keith lynch a page long missive about how stuff's failure to do journalism is why people don't trust nz media.
I can’t believe our major media organisations in Aotearoa publish the Telegraph’s take on politics without a gigantic fucking warning at the top of each piece. It’s propaganda thinly disguised as news. And when I say ‘thinly disguised’ I mean absolutely blatant and unabashed.
Merge a band with a TV show (this one is obscure) Alfonso Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
Merge a band with a TV show Snoop Dogg The Bounty Hunter.
Every leader in the world rn: quick, let's get shit done while the media is looking the other way.
Reading through a bunch of Tenancy Tribunal rulings (research), and OMG some are WILD. Just read one where the LL/tenant relationship got so bad the LL was on criminal charges for driving a digger into the front of the house 😱. ($7.5k to tenants) But we still don't require good character tests.
Some of these Republicans who are (naturally enough) agreeing with Democrats tonight that violence has no place in our politics will be in an awkward spot when Trump once again insists that it does.
“My Estonian Archangel came and got me wasted🎶”