Starfinder Facts, 2nd Edition

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Starfinder Facts, 2nd Edition

Reincarnated fan-made Starfinder parody of "practically official lore." These tweets do not reflect the views of any actual Starfinder affiliates. Creator

1e content available at
Reports have begun to trickle out of Castrovel of rogue xenodruids who take ecotourists into the jungles as shamanistic offerings to the dangerous flora and megafauna of the area. No one has yet given a uniform description of the leader, but all agree on his undeniable charm. #ThrowbackFacts
People who think that all existence is a simulation run by a super-powerful computer have yet to answer the question of what sick bastard would program Aucturn
Fuck. $67k. Chemoradiation is expensive. This is 1 bill. If you're able, (and *please* only if you are), every contribution helps. If not liking and sharing this post as far and wide as possible increases the chances of it reaching someone who can spare a bit.
When torturing people with sleep deprivation, the Veskarium's preferred method is to play skittermander pop metal at 2x playback speed and the maximum volume. The resulting sound has been compared to "scraping claws across a starship hull at light speed"
On today's blog, I talk about the challenges of making a galaxy worth of creatures, and why a weird alien doesn't need weird rules. Then I present the rumbleweed. "Weird Monsters With Simple Designs in Starfinder: Rumbleweed" Base membership is free!
Weird Monsters With Simple Designs in Starfinder: Rumbleweed | Owen K.C. Get more from Owen K.C. Stephens on Patreon
"Civilized" is subjective and many cosmopolitan explorers will get into vicious debates over which planets are and aren't visitable. Personally: affordable transit and ecological conservation are in, unintentional urban sprawl and extractive economies are hard out. Pabaq rates particularly high!
Singularit-E is an Aballonian social networking start-up that attempts to achieve constant instantaneous connections using FTL and custom dimensional technology. It is rumored that they are studying cutting-edge Drift-based communications attempting their next big breakthrough. #ThrowbackFacts
Today I break down more original Starfinder design lore, talk about making interesting monsters with the array system, then present a new creature. Members only, but base membership is free! "Acidic Blood in Starfinder: Maw in the Darkness"
Akiton's notorious "Scavenger Law" states that re-purposed materials are part of the machine that they're currently on, not the original machine. This leads to daring 'quick-change' robberies, where ships are stripped and rebuilt in a matter of minutes. #ThrowbackFacts
Well labeled us as "kineticist" which feels like a weird way to spell "carries a blaster in every damage type we can find" but honestly kinda fits
A very happy Independence Day to Pulonis and a very Fuck You to the Veskarium autocrats who lost the colony
As a result of shirren individualism addictions, clothing designers often find that they are unable to market complete outfits to shirren, instead having to sell component pieces of clothing for shirren to create their own unique looks. #ThrowbackFacts
Absalom Station youths are known to take small shuttles into the Armada, exit via the airlocks, and tag other ships with graffiti. Rumors persist of an encrypted scoreboard on the "Dark Infosphere" ranking the most dangerous ships to tag and the most daring paint jobs done. #ThrowbackFacts
Vesk preschools train all their staff in combat medicine. Skittermander preschools train all their staff in first aid, specifically bite wounds from the tummymouths. Verthani preschools train all their staff in biomechanical repair to best support their Augmented families
We soon need #Starfinder2e version of Hero Point tokens. While #Pathfinder2e doesn't have them in canon (that I am aware of) I say SF should go all in and adopt a challenge coin mentality. Mint them for various places you've traveled. Call them Drift Tokens. Thoughts ?
We just donated to help offset the funeral costs for 's family and hope you will too. People have already donated 80% of the goal! Ashton was always humbly grateful for help and didn't expect any of it - one of the many reasons why they were so great.
Remembering Ashton and Supporting Their Family, organized by Andrew Ashton Sperry, beloved partner, parent, artist, writer, and friend, passe… Andrew Mullen needs your support for Remembering Ashton and Supporting Their Family
A few days ago we lost one of the kindest, most delightful people I’ve met in this TTRPG community, Ashton Sperry. Their partner and step-child have been left without much to help with funerary costs, and I hope you’ll join me in showing them what support we can.
Remembering Ashton and Supporting Their Family, organized by Andrew Ashton Sperry, beloved partner, parent, artist, writer, and friend, passe… Andrew Mullen needs your support for Remembering Ashton and Supporting Their Family
It's a crass thing to talk about money, because we've heaped so much shame on poverty. But Ashton struggled with finances, and I'll never know how many years that carved off their life. Most of your favorite creatives are hurting. Support them when you can.
No joke today - today we remember Friend of the Facts and Paizo freelancer who passed away this week. Our thoughts are with their loved ones. Thanks for shining a vibrant light with your talent, your humor, and always your giant heart. It's hard to keep flying without you.
Thanks for making space weird with us, friend. Can't wait to laugh with you again someday.
In Eoxian academia it's "perish, then publish" #StarfinderFacts #Starfinder
The highest civilian commendation in Ustalav is the Dracula Trophy- it has been awarded 27 citizens, but never to Dracula #GolariFacts
Happy World Dracula Day! Dracula was published on this day in 1897. To celebrate, here is my prized annotated Dracula, edited by Leslie S. Klinger. This thing weighs like 5 pounds and is full of vampire goodness.
No joke today - today we remember Friend of the Facts and Paizo freelancer who passed away this week. Our thoughts are with their loved ones. Thanks for shining a vibrant light with your talent, your humor, and always your giant heart. It's hard to keep flying without you.
Khizar burglars have been known to disguise themselves as decorative houseplants in order to gain access to homes and businesses. #ThrowbackFacts
Some light airplane reading on my way to the ALA Expo!
Based on the number of ysoki I saw carrying grenades in their cheek pouches, the very fact that there is a ysoki species at all speaks wonders to the stability of the Pact Worlds' grenade design.
The ysoki idiom "like carrying grenades in your cheek pouches" can be used both to deride something for it's stupidity or to denote an extreme thrill. #ThrowbackFacts
The ysoki idiom "like carrying grenades in your cheek pouches" can be used both to deride something for it's stupidity or to denote an extreme thrill. #ThrowbackFacts
When the nuar find out they're not a core race in the playtest they're going to have a cow
Witchwarpers and precogs were going to be separate classes again except one of them smashed space-time and now neither of them will admit who did it
If I opened up free portfolio reviews for marginalized writers looking to get into writing for Paizo, would people be interested? BIPOC would be prioritized. I can't get you jobs at Paizo, just help you with your skills. I have a background in theater education, so I have experience giving feedback.