
Found yet another site with AI-created summaries for my books; those summaries are both inaccurate and hopelessly bland. Please, folks, if you have kids of book report age, tell them from me that these summary sites are just complete bullshit. Don't trust them and don't copy their blandness.
A lot of people don’t understand that Generative AIs will just make things up. They’re more like Mad Libs than what we used to think of when we said “AI.”
Calling this "AI" is a huge problem. It's not artificial intelligence—a computer that can learn & make decisions—it's pattern recognition software. It's very sophisticated as far as that goes. It's a huge step up from mashing the middle autofill button on your phone. But it's still essentially that.
💯 this! the only reason they don't give you the same answer to the same question every time is they have a random seed number to zhuzh things up. they're entirely deterministic without that