
Brotherhood of steel but they’ve got metal cat ears welded onto their suits
I will be genuinely surprised if there isn't an already-existing mod for that.
i was thinking of drawing it but of a lapsed artist
This is not a screenshot of my toon but I have actually worn this *exact* combination of cosmetics.
wait is that what fallout 76 is like? how is it i heard it was bad but i think that might’ve been a when it first launched thing?
Depends what you want out of it. When it launched it was very janky, apparently. I didn’t come on board till the “wastelanders” update (where they added alive NPCs) So now you can mostly play it as a Bethesda style fallout game, single-ish player. It’s not as deep that way as 3/4/NV, though.
If you thought settlement building was great but wished it were easier to show off what you made to your friends, it’s very big on that. The multiplayer stuff is mostly coöp events at this point, the PVP stuff is basically vestigial. It *is* a live service game where they want to sell you crap.
They’ve gotten a bit away from it, but there are some classic cosmetics that only drop VERY rarely, and there’s a lot of grinding for mats to roll legendary versions of gear that is effectively a gacha mechanic. But you don’t *have* engage in that if you just want to run around the world.
It’s also on sale for $10 right now. You can subscribe to fallout first for unlimited scrap/ammo storage space and a “survival tent” that you can place around the map, but I didn’t have that for the first 50 or so levels. Also, private servers if you want it to be REALLY single player.
lmao so they took the eso subscription model? which the big appeal is it gives you a bag of holding while subscribed
I guess? Haven’t touched that one. But from people who play both it sounds like that might be doing the whole thing better, actually. But 76 is my other forever game at this point, they keep doing timed events that I get back on for. Bad for hoarding tendencies.
i actually haven’t played fall out 4 yet
Did you play 3 or new Vegas? The story is WAY thinner than new Vegas and each expansion is kind of discrete from every other story because someone could do them in any order, but there are still branching choices. (The results of which are limited to instanced interiors, for practical reasons)
i did 3 a few times and nv once that sounds like eso which big story flaw is they overhauled it to have scaling npcs but the main storyline is told through the zones you originally were meant to progress through as you leveled but there isnt anything pushing you to do it in that order now
The original layout for 76 had different regions scaled differently and they kinda flattened that out somewhat, but more to keep higher level people from being TOO overpowered, I think. It comes down to your build more than your level. Gear maxes at 50, enemies at 100, players never.
ok this sounds like eso, are the npcs voice acted?
It’s apparently pretty fucking good now?
yeah i see a lot of people play it on here but i didn’t know if it was just a fallout craving thing or if it’s good now
I have like 400 hours in it and loved every second
I have … Several. Of that.
No shame!! My most-played is a flight sim 😭
It’s improved a lot but if you’re not a fan of looter shooter gameplay, that hasn’t changed
so like borderlands/tiny tinas esque? how does it compare to eso if you’ve played it? that now mostly feels like online skyrim but less freedom within the world
Very similar on the sort of watered-down RPG choice elements but still telling a mostly compelling story part of ESO, but I feel 76's gameplay is pretty similar to 4 while ESO is very MMO-like when compared to Skyrim. Looting is about perks per piece rather than ESO's set bonuses.
Yeah, more like borderlands. The big problem when it launched was lack of NPCs so it definitely did not feel like a fallout game.
I kinda wish I could go back to that world and see what it was like, but keeping all the quality of life improvements they’ve made.