
Tip: We aren't comparing the effect of the treatment (tx) to the effect of placebo. We are *defining* the effect as the *difference* in outcome between those allocated to standard of care (SoC) + tx to those allocated to SoC + placebo, where placebo is used for blinding.
Very fond of a bit of specific use of language
Have you seen this paper?
I am very confused - did I read this correctly? There's a new meta-analysis out of pre-post effects sizes in the placebo arm of trials. The authors acknowledge regression to the mean is counted as part of the "placebo response".
Differential Outcomes Associated With Placebo Treatment Across 9 Psychiatric This systematic review and meta-analysis compares outcomes in placebo groups in 90 randomized clinical trials across 9 psychiatric disorders.
Ask me about the time I casually let slip the placebo word when I was teaching concepts of western pharmacology to a classroom full of students of traditional Tibetan medicine. Kpow! Boom! Tough fight out of that one.
We're not really even doing that. We can't always use a placebo. We're trying to make any differences between the groups attributable only to treatment or chance. We can quantify chance so we can indirectly quantify the treatment effect. And the indirectness is what confuses the hell out of people.
oh jesus fucking christ on a cracker
Because you disagree or because I am a pedant or because I missed context or because you just cannot be arsed to formulate a coherent response?